Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Obligatory 2019 Year End Post

Hokay, so...

At this time last year I'd had a decent year but without much direction. Didn't train for anything or set goals, but spent time being active and just trying to enjoy it. I also didn't set any goals for 2019, but I would say this year's theme was "try something new".

First I signed up for and competed in the USA Track & Field Indoor Masters Championships. What an amazing experience, and really tested my ability to do new things (things I'd never done before!). While I wouldn't say I excelled in them, I certainly loved doing it and competing. Plus I met some awesome people!

Next was completing the ATL Publix Marathon with running mama bestie, loving the beautiful March weather and enjoying a little over 5 hours together :)
Running Happy
The latter part of the year I turned to the woods, signing up for a 25k and 50k trail run. The summer was full of long hours on trails, mostly solo, and allowed me to fully enjoy the transition from summer into fall.

The 25k, while shorter distance, was definitely the more challenging course but a beautiful and wonderful race experience.

Following just about a month later was the 50k race, and while it wasn't the huge cathartic experience I'd anticipated, I can say I learned a lot about myself and my abilities (both running related and otherwise) through the training.
Fall morning sunrise at Paris Mtn

Views from Big Rock at Dupont
To be honest I think I really enjoyed the training more than the race itself, but I guess that might be a good thing?

The year in numbers:
Total Run Distance: 1,405.3 mi (most annual mileage ever!)
Total Run Time: 229 hours
Highest monthly volume: 193 mi (October)
Highest weekly volume: 47.95 mi (October 21-27)

Total Bike Distance: 432 mi

Things I'm looking forward to for 2020:

  1. Getting back on the bike. I missed it a lot while so much of this year was focused on running, but I've already been back on both road and mountain this month and I'm looking forward to more.
  2. Mayyyyybbeeeee a triathlon? I think I say that every single year. Might happen. 
  3. Finding my joy. Not just in athletic pursuits, but in everything. I do a lot of things because I feel obligated to (from my own stubbornness, or otherwise) and I feel like it's time I find MY joy in doing things. Not that life's been terrible, mind you, but there's always room for improvement. 😉

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