Monday, December 23, 2019

Pre-Holiday week

Week beginning thoughts: I hate being sick.

Did: nothing
Stayed home from work today, rested. Finally felt better in the afternoon.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill ladder
Had planned a fun group for a track workout on the newly-resurfaced Furman track, but rain (actually thunderstorms) derailed those. Treadmill at work it is.

Did: nothing
Oh, pre-holiday work insanity.

Did: 6.99 mi Track Thursday
Um, I did not even realize I ran almost 7 miles this morning. Amazing what a good track workout will fit in! Met up with Matt to run on the NEW FURMAN TRACK and it was great. Cold (30F) but felt amazing and I decided on 800s for the workout. Kept them all consistently 3:25-3:30 range, which felt hard but not too hard. Got 5 of them in before our time was up.

Did: 12.5 mi mountain biking
Took the day off from work and went to Bent Creek to ride with Scott for the first time in a LONG time. We had a great time, and I loved being back in the woods on two wheels!

Did: nothing 

Did: nothing

Weekend of rain = no activity. Oh well. I'm enjoying the mental vacation of "I don't have to do anything."

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