Monday, December 16, 2019

After the Ultra

Week beginning thoughts: I'm shocked by how not terrible my legs feel. How 'bout that!

Did: 1 mi treadmill + stretching
Took it easy today, got my 1 mile done and did a lot of stretching.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 8:45/mi avg
Not bad... did 2x2mi @ 8:00/mi pace on the treadmill. Felt fine! Heart rate average was suuuper low (for me = 154bpm) which tells me my cardio is in great shape.

Did: 1mi treadmill + 30 mins stationary bike
Hit the gym during lunch today and got some pedaling done. Excited to get back to biking!

Did: 3.89 mi @ 9:08/mi avg
Ran the trails at lunch today, just an easy run. It was chilly and cold - nice running weather!

Did: 1.13 mi neighborhood lap
Ran when I got home from work. It was dark but I like running the neighborhood at night this time of year - so many pretty lights!

Did: 7.07 mi @ 9:30/mi
Easy pace early hilly run. Didn't get up to run with the really early crew downtown but enjoyed some solo miles through Green Valley. It was slightly misty rain but a comfortable temperature.
Misty rain
Did: nothing, sick :(
I broke the streak. Ugh. Saturday afternoon suddenly I got some congested/sneezing/coughing mess and it knocked me out for Sunday. As I told my running bestie in a message, "I'm sick, but it's the worst kind where you feel shitty enough that you don't want to do anything but not quite bad enough to warrant staying in bed all day. So now I'm just awake and pissed off that I'm sick because of all the things I could/should be doing."

Week ending thoughts:
I hate being sick. HATE IT. I struggle with wanting to just push through and do things normally vs. knowing the sickness is my body telling me to SLOW DOWN and take a break. At least I didn't get sick until after the Ultra.

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