Monday, January 6, 2020

New Decade week

Did: 53 min strength
At work, so went to the gym. Pretty sure I'll be sore tomorrow but oh well, at least I'm getting back to the routine!

Tuesday - New Year's Eve
Did: 6.94 mi @ 8:15/mi avg + 7.6 mi mountain bike ride
First workout of the day was Track Tuesday with Matt & his friend Chris. We celebrated Matt's 5 year anniversary of running at least one mile every day! Also had an interesting time getting to and from the track due to gates at Furman being closed, and some roads being gated off due to tree work. But we made it! For speedwork I did 2x 1mi (6:52, 7:09). Not super duper speedy but pretty good. Felt tough but the temps were perfect!
Track stars
With that, I'm writing my year end wrap-up post, even though Scott & I have a mountain bike ride planned this afternoon.

Afternoon bike ride was great! Perfect weather and a beautiful little trail. Not too much up & down, just a fun twisty smooth path through the woods around a lake. So nice!

Wednesday - New Year's Day
Did: 6.00 mi @ 8:54/mi avg
Had thoughts of an early trail run with friends at Dupont, but we ended up staying at a friend's house later than planned so I opted to sleep in. It was a good call. Got out in the afternoon after it had warmed up a bit and did 6 miles through the hills of Green Valley.

Did: 60 min hot yoga
Met up with Megan & Robin for a hot yoga class at SoulYoga. Had never been before, but it seemed like something new and fun to try! Everyone there was super nice and helpful, the facilities were very nice. We packed 30 people into a tiny hot room (yay, New Year crowds haha) and did 30 mins of Power Flow + 30 mins Deep Stretch in a 90+ degree room. Oh man did we sweat! But what a great class, and that final 5 minutes of Savasana with a chilled lavender towel over my eyes was glorious. I really wish I had time need to make time to do this more often.

Did: 40 min stationary bike
Decided to knock this out early, so got to the gym at work (which was packed at 6:30am) and pedaled away on some intervals. Not thrilling but good to get it done while the rainnnnnn keeps falling outside. Ugh, I hope it clears up for the weekend.

Did: 8.48 mi @ 8:27/mi avg
Early run with just one other downtown runner, and thankfully we were both feeling pretty tired so there were a few walk breaks after hills and we cut the distance from planned 10 to ~8.5. We kept a pretty good pace otherwise, though, and it was a nice weirdly warm/humid morning. Thankfully the rain stopped right before we got started so we didn't actually have to deal with water falling from the sky.

Did: 15.4 mi @ 13.5 mph road bike
Yay, biking! Although my goodness I am out of biking shape. Yikes. Went for a late afternoon ride solo and, though I knew I chose a hilly route, I didn't expect to struggle quite as much as I did! I was in my absolute lowest gear for all of the climbs... whew. But it was a beautiful sunny afternoon and I was glad to be out on two wheels. 

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