Monday, December 31, 2018

Year End 2018 Post

Summary Stats:

Total miles run = 892.7 mi  (vs. 1,321 last year, hellooooo marathon)
Total miles biked = 1,080 mi (vs. 737 last year, helloooooo not marathon haha)

331 hours doing some kind of physical activity (vs. 339 hours last year).

Interesting that I spent about the same amount of time, but drastically different activity balance.

I didn't achieve any PRs this year, but I also didn't have any goals to do so. This year was a "do whatever" year, and I'm happy that despite that attitude, I still did some great stuff. I had fun this year. I spent a lot more time on my mountain bike. I did things because I enjoy them, not because I "had to".

I had my first major injury this year, but recovered and stayed as consistent as I could.

Interesting how this year compares to last year at this time.


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