Monday, December 30, 2019

Xmas week

Week beginning thoughts: Mental break is nice, but I like being active. Need to find the right balance between "have to do something" and "I don't have to do anything, therefore I'll do nothing". Not unique in this by any means, but recognizing the issue is the first step.

Did: 52 mins strength
At work today and it's raining... after 2 days of inactivity, and even longer since I've done a really good gym strength workout, this was a good session. Went lighter on most weights just to see where I am... will judge by soreness level tomorrow.

Tuesday - Xmas Eve
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:03/mi avg + 10.33 mi mountain biking
Started the day with an early morning downtown run - only one other showed up (and he's fast!) so we had a good quick run through the dark and quiet streets of the city.
Next up was the annual Christmas Eve group ride at Isaqueena, and this year both Scott and I got to ride since I dropped D off with my folks! It's always a casual pace ride, but was nice to be in the woods and it turned into a beautiful day.
Also, definitely sore from Monday's lift.

Wednesday - Christmas Day
Did: nothing
Woke up with a little sore throat, so instead of my usual early morning solo run, I stayed in bed.

Did: 19.7 mi road bike ride
We rode to the Children's Museum with D in the wee-hoo, then stopped for lunch with my family before heading back home. Nice to be out on the bike, but my arse is still sore from not being on my bike for months... gonna have to get used to that bike seat again. Still not feeling 100% but was nice to be out in the sunshine.

Did: rest
Back at work today and still feeling off.... taking it easy.

Did: 4.24 mi run
Took it easy with a run through the neighborhood in the beautiful 60-degree weather. Felt nice, thinking this crud is finally on its way out!

Did: rest
Rained all day, did lots of indoor stuff, but no exercise.

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