Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Obligatory 2019 Year End Post

Hokay, so...

At this time last year I'd had a decent year but without much direction. Didn't train for anything or set goals, but spent time being active and just trying to enjoy it. I also didn't set any goals for 2019, but I would say this year's theme was "try something new".

First I signed up for and competed in the USA Track & Field Indoor Masters Championships. What an amazing experience, and really tested my ability to do new things (things I'd never done before!). While I wouldn't say I excelled in them, I certainly loved doing it and competing. Plus I met some awesome people!

Next was completing the ATL Publix Marathon with running mama bestie, loving the beautiful March weather and enjoying a little over 5 hours together :)
Running Happy
The latter part of the year I turned to the woods, signing up for a 25k and 50k trail run. The summer was full of long hours on trails, mostly solo, and allowed me to fully enjoy the transition from summer into fall.

The 25k, while shorter distance, was definitely the more challenging course but a beautiful and wonderful race experience.

Following just about a month later was the 50k race, and while it wasn't the huge cathartic experience I'd anticipated, I can say I learned a lot about myself and my abilities (both running related and otherwise) through the training.
Fall morning sunrise at Paris Mtn

Views from Big Rock at Dupont
To be honest I think I really enjoyed the training more than the race itself, but I guess that might be a good thing?

The year in numbers:
Total Run Distance: 1,405.3 mi (most annual mileage ever!)
Total Run Time: 229 hours
Highest monthly volume: 193 mi (October)
Highest weekly volume: 47.95 mi (October 21-27)

Total Bike Distance: 432 mi

Things I'm looking forward to for 2020:

  1. Getting back on the bike. I missed it a lot while so much of this year was focused on running, but I've already been back on both road and mountain this month and I'm looking forward to more.
  2. Mayyyyybbeeeee a triathlon? I think I say that every single year. Might happen. 
  3. Finding my joy. Not just in athletic pursuits, but in everything. I do a lot of things because I feel obligated to (from my own stubbornness, or otherwise) and I feel like it's time I find MY joy in doing things. Not that life's been terrible, mind you, but there's always room for improvement. 😉

Monday, December 30, 2019

Xmas week

Week beginning thoughts: Mental break is nice, but I like being active. Need to find the right balance between "have to do something" and "I don't have to do anything, therefore I'll do nothing". Not unique in this by any means, but recognizing the issue is the first step.

Did: 52 mins strength
At work today and it's raining... after 2 days of inactivity, and even longer since I've done a really good gym strength workout, this was a good session. Went lighter on most weights just to see where I am... will judge by soreness level tomorrow.

Tuesday - Xmas Eve
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:03/mi avg + 10.33 mi mountain biking
Started the day with an early morning downtown run - only one other showed up (and he's fast!) so we had a good quick run through the dark and quiet streets of the city.
Next up was the annual Christmas Eve group ride at Isaqueena, and this year both Scott and I got to ride since I dropped D off with my folks! It's always a casual pace ride, but was nice to be in the woods and it turned into a beautiful day.
Also, definitely sore from Monday's lift.

Wednesday - Christmas Day
Did: nothing
Woke up with a little sore throat, so instead of my usual early morning solo run, I stayed in bed.

Did: 19.7 mi road bike ride
We rode to the Children's Museum with D in the wee-hoo, then stopped for lunch with my family before heading back home. Nice to be out on the bike, but my arse is still sore from not being on my bike for months... gonna have to get used to that bike seat again. Still not feeling 100% but was nice to be out in the sunshine.

Did: rest
Back at work today and still feeling off.... taking it easy.

Did: 4.24 mi run
Took it easy with a run through the neighborhood in the beautiful 60-degree weather. Felt nice, thinking this crud is finally on its way out!

Did: rest
Rained all day, did lots of indoor stuff, but no exercise.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Pre-Holiday week

Week beginning thoughts: I hate being sick.

Did: nothing
Stayed home from work today, rested. Finally felt better in the afternoon.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill ladder
Had planned a fun group for a track workout on the newly-resurfaced Furman track, but rain (actually thunderstorms) derailed those. Treadmill at work it is.

Did: nothing
Oh, pre-holiday work insanity.

Did: 6.99 mi Track Thursday
Um, I did not even realize I ran almost 7 miles this morning. Amazing what a good track workout will fit in! Met up with Matt to run on the NEW FURMAN TRACK and it was great. Cold (30F) but felt amazing and I decided on 800s for the workout. Kept them all consistently 3:25-3:30 range, which felt hard but not too hard. Got 5 of them in before our time was up.

Did: 12.5 mi mountain biking
Took the day off from work and went to Bent Creek to ride with Scott for the first time in a LONG time. We had a great time, and I loved being back in the woods on two wheels!

Did: nothing 

Did: nothing

Weekend of rain = no activity. Oh well. I'm enjoying the mental vacation of "I don't have to do anything."

Monday, December 16, 2019

After the Ultra

Week beginning thoughts: I'm shocked by how not terrible my legs feel. How 'bout that!

Did: 1 mi treadmill + stretching
Took it easy today, got my 1 mile done and did a lot of stretching.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 8:45/mi avg
Not bad... did 2x2mi @ 8:00/mi pace on the treadmill. Felt fine! Heart rate average was suuuper low (for me = 154bpm) which tells me my cardio is in great shape.

Did: 1mi treadmill + 30 mins stationary bike
Hit the gym during lunch today and got some pedaling done. Excited to get back to biking!

Did: 3.89 mi @ 9:08/mi avg
Ran the trails at lunch today, just an easy run. It was chilly and cold - nice running weather!

Did: 1.13 mi neighborhood lap
Ran when I got home from work. It was dark but I like running the neighborhood at night this time of year - so many pretty lights!

Did: 7.07 mi @ 9:30/mi
Easy pace early hilly run. Didn't get up to run with the really early crew downtown but enjoyed some solo miles through Green Valley. It was slightly misty rain but a comfortable temperature.
Misty rain
Did: nothing, sick :(
I broke the streak. Ugh. Saturday afternoon suddenly I got some congested/sneezing/coughing mess and it knocked me out for Sunday. As I told my running bestie in a message, "I'm sick, but it's the worst kind where you feel shitty enough that you don't want to do anything but not quite bad enough to warrant staying in bed all day. So now I'm just awake and pissed off that I'm sick because of all the things I could/should be doing."

Week ending thoughts:
I hate being sick. HATE IT. I struggle with wanting to just push through and do things normally vs. knowing the sickness is my body telling me to SLOW DOWN and take a break. At least I didn't get sick until after the Ultra.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 18 of 18)


Planned: strength + 1mi
Did: 37 min strength, 1 mi @ 8:47
Ran one treadmill mile for #RWRunStreak Day 5 and then did some lifting. Avoided leg strength and did stretching instead.
5 days til ultra....

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.25 mi @ 8:32/mi
Great cold run this morning downtown, a good pace but not too fast. Felt awesome!

Planned: easy trail 5
Did: 2.3 mi trail
Oh... I totally had 2-3 miles in mind, didn't remember I'd planned 5. Oh well! 😂 It was beautiful out, and I really could have kept going for longer if I'd remembered my plan correctly. hah.

Planned: 1mi + yoga
Did: 1.04 mi 
Did an early morning loop around the neighborhood for the run streak.

Planned: easy 2-3 trail run @ Cloudland
Did: 1.03 mi 
Another morning neighborhood loop before we headed out in the car.

Planned: Cloudland Canyon 50k
Did: Couldland Canyon 50k 
Race report

Planned: hobble 1 mi 😂
Did: 1.03 mi 
Easy neighborhood run when we got home... actually wasn't too bad!

Race Report: Cloudland Canyon 50k

Subtitle: My First Ultra 😃


We took Friday off from work and traveled to Rising Fawn, GA, about a 4 hour drive from Greenville. Stopped for lunch outside of Atlanta, and arrived at the campground around 2:30pm. Got checked in and settled into our yurt. We headed into Chattanooga for an early dinner at Naked River Brewing Company. Had some food and beer, then headed to packet pick-up at a local outdoor store. Got everything picked up, then decided to go to one more stop at Heaven & Ales (brewery) before heading back to the campground. We ended up staying way later than intended and I was irritated (mostly at myself) by the time we got back because I'd wanted to be in bed by 9, but we didn't get back until about 9:30pm. Oh well. I set my alarm and got into bed quickly, probably asleep around 10.

Race Day

Alarm time = 5:00 a.m.

I was awake by 4:45, of course. I got ready and ate my breakfast (yogurt + granola) as quietly as I could in the dark before heading out and picking up a fellow racer and yurt-er to head to the finish area & shuttle pick-up. With the course being a mostly point-to-point race, we had to take a shuttle from the finish line & parking area up to the start line. The race info said buses would leave at 6:30 a.m. and we got there in plenty of time. It was chilly (38F) but not unbearable, although they had the heat cranked to 11 on the bus!
On the bus
We got to the start line right at sunrise and immediately jumped into the huuuuuuuge port-a-potty line.
At the start area

Waiting in line! Eugene did the Sky to Summit 50k just a few weeks ago. 

The RD made some pre-race announcements (again, a familiar message of "You'll be tempted to run this first part... DON'T.") and just as I reached the port-a-potty, I heard the 5-4-3-2-1 GO! Oh well... not like it's chip timed or like I cared about missing the first 60 seconds of the race. Besides, when I got out, there was a crowd to just get onto the trail.

First steps on the trail
The first bit of trail was some technical(ish) singletrack which was the reason for the bottleneck. Not much running happened in the first bit. Eventually the crowds thinned to where I could run a bit, but it was still usually someone else in front of me dictating when I would run or walk and at what pace.
Line of people through the woods
Even so, it was enjoyable to pop in and out of conversation with the folks around me, and just take in the scenery. Once the sun came up over the ridge it was really nice, and I'd gotten to open enough gaps between other runners that I could run and walk when I wanted to.

First aid station reached at 9.75 mi / just over 2 hours in. 
At this point, I could already tell I was feeling "ahead of my miles"... i.e. I'd only done about 10 but already felt like I'd done 15 or so. I was hungry - ate bacon, oreos, breakfast burritos, and quesadillas at the aid station. I'd already eaten a waffle and some gummies. Yep, I did not fuel properly in the days leading up to this race and I knew it. Only thing I could do was keep going and try to bolster energy where I could (i.e. eat ALL THE THINGS).
Back on the trail. 
I don't remember much of the next section... I did a good bit of actual running since the trail was of a rolling nature, gradual ups and downs, but nothing too significant until we got close to the next aid station at about mile 18. Scott & D were waiting for me at this one, and it was a welcome sight to get some hugs and well-wishes (as well as more snacks).

We also arrived at the main overlook of the canyon - really breathtaking!
Fellow runner snapped photos for me

The pics don't do this view justice.
After a little admiration of the scenery, I continued to the next and hardest section: an out-and-back descent (via 600 stairs) into the canyon to the far end (and aid station) and back up.
We're talking about that BIG DIP there. ^
While this part of the run did offer some really beautiful scenery of the river and waterfalls, it was very hard to appreciate it all knowing that I'd have to be doing it in reverse in a few miles. I did fail to notice just how steep the descent on the trail was, and was quite (unpleasantly) surprised by how hard it was going back up! The stairs were hard, which I knew would be the case. I did enjoy the waterfalls, though, even if they were painful to get to/from!
Hard to capture a good angle on this one, but it was very pretty!
You can barely see the rim of the canyon above... that's where we came from!
More pretty cascades
Through the woods
Trail... going back up to the top.
Oh, so many stairs.
The rock formations on the sides of the canyon were cool
Another pretty falls!
A welcome sign... even though it was still 5+ miles away
After the Tour de Waterfalls, we were back onto the trail heading up to the West Rim. We climbed the final elevation out of the canyon and passed behind the yurt village, so I got to see Scott & D waiting there for me. 
Happy to see my boys!
At this point, I was feeling the effects of under-fueling, and no amount of food I ate was saving me. I started out with too much of a deficit to make up for it in-race, and all I could do was will myself to keep moving. I wasn't sure about water, either... was I dehydrated, or over-hydrated? I had done my best to eat salty snacks at each aid station... but was it enough, or too much? All the things that were running through my head as I plodded up the mountain and around the West Rim.
At least the views were amazing.

I walked a lot of those last few miles until we popped out onto the road at the edge of the park. The rest of the race would be on the road, just a couple of miles to the finish. I knew I would do it, but I was not enjoying it. At this point I just wanted to be done and take a nap. My watch clicked past 26.2 and I walked on.
One more greeting from Scott & D at the entrance to the yurt village before they headed to the finish line. 
I needed this hug.
There weren't any photos from the rest of the race. I chatted with a fellow runner mother on the course for the last mile or so - talked ourselves through some short run/walk intervals just to get through it. A quarter mile from the finish I sped up, just wanting to be done. Crossed the line, got my medal, went in for some food, and then sat down (YESSSS SITTING) with Scott & D. 

Was kind of in a haze for the rest of the day, but after an early bedtime (despite rough night of sleep) I felt better. 

And now I can say it: I'm an ultramarathoner. 

This is now my favorite hoodie.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 17 of 18)

Week beginning thoughts: Two weeks to go! Seems far, yet very close.

Did: 30 mins strength
Didn't feel like doing much, but got a little core & strength done anyway.

Did: 6.56 mi @ 8:27/mi
Great run on a new route downtown this morning with Matt & Julia. It went through the outskirts of Nicholtown which is a bit of a sketchy neighborhood, but it was at last something new and different! Great run to start things off.

I also realized today that this week will start the #RWRunStreak on Thanksgiving! It's only 35 days this year, as opposed to I think 42 from last year? Thanksgiving is late, so several days were cut off. Anyway, will try to do it for the 3rd year in a row!

Did: nada, drove to the OBX

Planned: OBX Gobbler 5k
Did: 1.37 mi warm-up + 3.11 mi run
We started looking for a Turkey Day run as soon as we decided to spend the Thanksgiving holiday in the OBX with Scott's family. Found a small local run club that hosted a 5k, so we signed up as soon as registration opened. We were 8th & 9th to register out of several hundred. I went into this knowing I was in pretty good running shape, but unsure of speed since most of my running is long (LONG) distances. I've tried to keep up some kind of speedwork throughout ultra training but not the kind that you need for optimal 5k times. Even so, I knew this course was FLAT as a pancake, so I decided to give it all I had and see where I landed.
We arrived in plenty of time for an easy warm-up along the course... realized that the out-and-back course was going to be awesome in ONE direction (the first half) and then would have crazy beach headwind on the way back. Oof. Regardless, I decided to go for it. Without much fanfare, we were off (a couple minutes early, actually) and I made my way to a comfortable space in close proximity to a (fast) dad pushing a stroller and his friend who was running in flip-flops. I felt good at the start and settled into what felt like a quick but comfortable clip. I knew I could put everything into it quite yet, because the headwinds were coming.
Mile 1: 6:46
Turnaround point was about 1.3 miles in (the finish had an extra loop at the end) and it wasn't long after that I felt the efforts of running against the wind. I slowed a little, and laughed when I saw my heart rate graph after the race.
That uptick is right about the turning point
Mile 2: 7:00
Even with a 7 minute second mile, I knew a PR was still possible (PR pace is just shy of 6:55-ish) so I couldn't give up yet. The third mile was tough and I slowed down substantially compared to the rest of the race. Scott had pulled ahead of me around 1.5, along with Stoller Dad and Flip-Flops Guy. We made the turn so that finally the wind was behind us again, and I knew it would be a close one. I didn't look at my watch and just kept going with what I had left.
Mile 3: 7:06
Final 0.1: 6:22/mi pace

Final time: 21:37 (current PR is 21:32)
I was pretty excited to come so close and was not at all disappointed - I didn't think I'd even get that close!

Did: 4.51 mi @ 8:36/mi
Went for a quick morning run down to the bridge to Roanoke Island and back. Nice flat running path along the main road, quiet and tree-lined.

Did: 1.16 mi w/ stroller
#RWRunStreak day 3, had to settle for a night run in the neighborhood after our 8+ hour drive home from OBX. Boy was I glad to be out of the car!

Did: 9.44 mi @ 8:53/mi
Got a couple of the early downtown group to join me for a later morning run through Green Valley! The rain stopped (mostly) just in time for us to head out from Furman and enjoyed the rolling hills and good conversation. #RWRunStreak Day 4 complete!

Week ending thoughts:
We drive (4 hrs) on Friday morning and we're staying in a Yurt. I'm excited. I'm ready. Let's do this. 😁

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 16 of 18)

This week marks 3 weeks til race day and that means it's TAPER TIME. Now I just have to stay healthy and uninjured for the next 3 weeks and all will be gravy (well, maybe not gravy, but at least I'll have a shot at finishing the 50k).

Did: rest
I was hobbling around from the run on Sunday, so a full rest day was in order.

Did: 6.62 mi @ 8:48/mi
Trail run at lunch and apparently I had the need for some speed. Felt great! Temps were around 50F and skies were overcast. Lovely fall running and I enjoyed all of our campus' pretty colorful trees. 

Did: 5.6 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Treadmill speedwork this morning. Downward ladder:
2x1200 @ 7:00/mi
2x800 @ 6:45/mi
2x400 @ 6:30/mi

Did: rest
All day meeting and an evening social event.

Did: rest
Just could not get myself downstairs to the gym today. It's been a tiring week! I really should have gone today though because 1) it's beautiful outside and 2) it's going to rain ALL.DAY. tomorrow. Ugh.

Did: rest
Yep, rained all day.

Did: 8.51 mi @ 8:13/mi
Ran with the early downtown group, just an out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit. Felt great to run with friends, in the early morning, and on some fast and flat paved surface! Definitely different from my usual runs lately. :)

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 15 of 18)

Busy week with work travel and recovering from the 25k.

Did: rest

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill run
This was painful - quads were super sore from Sunday. Took it pretty slow, did a little interval work, but not too fast.

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: rest

Did: rest
I mean why change now?

Did: 25.01 mi trail run
EPIC RUN DAY. I headed up to Dupont in the morning, got started just a few mins before 8:30am. First plan was to run loops around Burnt Mtn and Cedar/Big Rock. I checked the Shoals to see if they were crossable... definitely better than a few weeks ago, but I wasn't in the mood to get my feet wet this early in the game. I'd assumed that would be the case, so I had a different route planned.
Crossable... but not with dry feet.

I think not running all week made my legs feel a little stiff & heavy to start out with. I walked a bit on the climbs going up Burnt, but told myself it was OK to take it easy since today was about mileage.
Rock face crossing
Climbing up Cedar Rock trail
 I made it to the top of Cedar Rock to the intersection with Big Rock Trail at just over an hour into the run, and I still hadn't seen a single person. 
Took a little break when I got to the beautiful views from Big Rock before heading down.
That was Part 1: Rock Face Views. Total of 6.8 miles in about 1.5 hours. Next... Tour de Waterfalls!

Because of the water crossing, the only way to connect over to other parts of the forest was via Longside > Pine Tree > Sheep Mountain trails which spits out onto the road right near the main Visitor's Center and the very crowded/popular hikes to all of the waterfalls. This is where most of the tourists go. I did not enjoy Sheep Mountain because apparently not many people run/ride it, so it's a pretty rough trail. I did see some wild turkeys who sprinted away from me down the trail. 

I finally made it to the Visitors Center and started making my way around to each of the 4 waterfalls of Dupont. There are 3 close together...

1 - High Falls

2 - Triple Falls
This one is cool because the viewing location is between two of the 3 sections...
Two sections above... and section below.

3 - Hooker Falls

And finally, 4 - Bridal Veil Falls
This one was farther away and took a couple of miles on the forest service roads to reach.

By the time I'd finished up at Bridal Veil, I was close to 16 miles and 3:15 into the run. Less than 10 miles to go! Now I pretty much just had to make it back to the Corn Mill Shoals parking lot and make up whatever remaining distance with the last short loop of trails available from that lot. 

I started my trek back and decided on an extra climb up to the Airstrip Trail - this completed the "best views/sites in Dupont" tour!

I found my way back through the crowds of people at the Visitor's Center before the climb back up Sheep Mountain. 
I did not like Sheep Mountain.
The last miles were a bit of a struggle... my legs were DONE and I did a lot of walking. Thankfully, aside from getting up Sheep Mtn. there wasn't a lot of climbing remaining. I calculated that I would get back to the car with just about 1.5 miles to go, so I took a right on to Twixt and crossed the road onto Rock Quarry > Micajah > Wilke for the final mile. I had to run one lap around the parking lot to get to 25, but halleluia, I did it!

I quickly changed into comfy clothes and chugged the chocolate milk I had waiting for me. 
Had been dreaming about this for miles!
Final result: 
25.01 miles - 5:10 Moving time - 5:52 Elapsed time - 3,600 ft elevation gain - 2,200 calories burned

So, short on overall distance for the week but 1) it was a recovery week and 2) I got that long run in. I think mentally I needed the break, too, from running almost every day of the week. Now I'm in for a 3 week taper (at least based on the weekend runs) until race day!