Monday, November 25, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 16 of 18)

This week marks 3 weeks til race day and that means it's TAPER TIME. Now I just have to stay healthy and uninjured for the next 3 weeks and all will be gravy (well, maybe not gravy, but at least I'll have a shot at finishing the 50k).

Did: rest
I was hobbling around from the run on Sunday, so a full rest day was in order.

Did: 6.62 mi @ 8:48/mi
Trail run at lunch and apparently I had the need for some speed. Felt great! Temps were around 50F and skies were overcast. Lovely fall running and I enjoyed all of our campus' pretty colorful trees. 

Did: 5.6 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Treadmill speedwork this morning. Downward ladder:
2x1200 @ 7:00/mi
2x800 @ 6:45/mi
2x400 @ 6:30/mi

Did: rest
All day meeting and an evening social event.

Did: rest
Just could not get myself downstairs to the gym today. It's been a tiring week! I really should have gone today though because 1) it's beautiful outside and 2) it's going to rain ALL.DAY. tomorrow. Ugh.

Did: rest
Yep, rained all day.

Did: 8.51 mi @ 8:13/mi
Ran with the early downtown group, just an out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit. Felt great to run with friends, in the early morning, and on some fast and flat paved surface! Definitely different from my usual runs lately. :)

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