Monday, December 10, 2018

Greenville News 5k Training (Week 2 of 8)

Week beginning thoughts: Hello, Monday, my old friend... (oh and yes, I DID complete my stroller-xmas-light run last night).
I rigged up a headlight & red handlebar light on the stroller, plus had my light vest on. 
Super safety team, assemble!

Did: strength + 1 mile
Good lifting today, 4 rounds of each exercise. Did my PT, too! (Side note: abs/sides sore on Tuesday - woohoo!) Finished up with 1 quick mile on the treadmill @ 7:35/mi.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill ladder #10kTuesday
Sadly the early downtown group didn't get off the ground this morning, so I headed into the gym at work early and got a treadmill speedwork done.
1 WU
400/400/800/1200 then back down @ 6:30/6:45/7:00/7:30 paces
1 CD
Felt good to get it done early, as usual, and happy with the speedwork. Thinking of seeing what I can do in preparation for a good 5k at the Greenville News Run Downtown in January.

Mid-week training decision...
Yep, decided I'm going to "train for" the 5k in January. Of course, I'm already "behind" the plan but not really since I've got a pretty strong base of training. I'm going to modify Hal Higdon's Intermediate 5k plan to basically continue doing what I'm doing, but with some more structured speedwork and intentionally-paced runs.
Basic structure:
Monday - strength
Tuesday - #10kTuesday (any pace)
Wednesday - cross-train
Thursday - speedwork (per plan)
Friday - yoga/rest
Saturday & Sunday - one day "long" run / other day probably bike + maybe fast (aka tempo) shorter run

Did: 20 min bike trainer + 1 mi treadmill
Well this morning was a little less organized than planned, but I'm proud to say I still got done pretty much what I wanted/needed to. My alarm was set (or so I thought) for ~4:30am so I could get up, get a bike ride done, then get myself situated before getting D up. Instead, my alarm went off at 5:15am (normal time) so the morning went like:
Wake up confused > dress & bike ride 20 min > change to running shorts > get D up, fed, to school > drive to work > run treadmill > shower > at desk before 8:30am. WHEW.

Did: 4.77 mi @ 8:39/mi avg
Since I did speedwork on Tuesday, I opted to get outside and "just run" at lunch today. It was gorgeously chilly and sunny!
Aww yeah.
Did: 8.6 mi @ 8:46/mi avg
When your weekend forecast looks like this...
... you do your long run on Friday morning before work. Yasssssssssss. 🙌 I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but last night saw a post from one of the gals from the early downtown group post up an 8-mile run for this morning, so I jumped on it. Felt so good to start off the day like that! And feels good going into the crappy weekend knowing that I've gotten this done already. Still hope to get out a little this weekend (at least a mile each day!) but I won't worry that I haven't gotten in enough distance.

Did: 1.03 mi @ 8:34/mi
Just a quick mile around the neighborhood before the hard rain started.

Did: 3.04 mi @ 10:14/mi 
Snow run! This had to be done slowly and carefully so as not to fall in the slush. I went exploring to see which roads were open/passable by car - lots of trees and powerlines down!
Snow run!

It was like running through unpacked dry sand = hard!

Week ending thoughts: Well, not quite the extensive workouts I'd hoped for this week, but still not too bad considering all of the interruptions. 

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