Sunday, January 6, 2019

Greenville News 5k Training (6/8)

Ummmm so I thought I posted this on Sunday or Monday like usual but it only shows as a draft... and the draft only goes through Tuesday... soooo, here's the completed & back-dated post!

Week beginning thoughts: I keep calling these "Greenville News 5k training weeks" but I'm not really doing anything specific to the 5k and I've definitely not done any speedwork. Maybe I will, maybe I won't?

Did: 1.05 mi @ 8:50/mi
Just a quick rainy mile in the morning before heading up to Asheville to escape the rain and entertain ourselves with beer & friends.

Did: 23.9 mi road bike ride + 6.23 mi run
Dropped D off with the grandparents this morning and headed up to Brevard (again to escape the rain) to ride on the roads. It was a beautiful day to be on the bikes, and had some great calm mountain scenery. 
Country roads

Pretty mountains at my side

After our ride, we had lunch at Pescado's Burritos (yum) then drove over to Tuxedo Park so Scott could continue his ride home and I could have a new/interesting location for my #10kTuesday. The burrito was heavy on my stomach, so it was a slowwww run, but got it done. 
The sun came out briefly

Pretty lake!
I had some left calf tightness again, but a few walking breaks helped loosen it up and it felt ok the rest of the run. I'm wondering if I need new shoes (tight calves + shin splints are usually my sign). We'll see, I have a new pair waiting in the wings. I also stretched (Big 5) when I got home. Trying to make a more concerted effort to do that.

Did: strength
First workday since 12/21, back at the gym for some strength training. Got to wear my sweet new dino tank top from my mom's group gift exchange. :D

Did: 5.13 mi @ 8:49/mi 
Early downtown group, rain held off, great run.

Did: rest
Rainy day, vacation day at home, just rest.

Did: 9.4 mi @ 9:56/mi
Hellooooo sunshine! Ran in the neighborhood with D (he insisted he did NOT want to "run on the trail"), which meant HILLS. I did every feasible road, no intentional repeating or overlapping, and managed just shy of 10 miles. Not bad!
D wanted a pic with the bulldozers

Did: 20.5 mi road bike
Headed out solo on the road bike and could tell the legs were tired. Got in 20 and felt good. 

OK seriously, I don't know where this entry went... I know I wrote it because I remember posting all those pics before! Grrrr....

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