Sunday, December 23, 2018

Greenville News 5k Training (4/8)

Week beginning thoughts: Last work week of the year. Wait, WHAT?!

Did: 1 mi @ 8:11/mi + strength
Treadmill mile then a short 20-minute lift with core work included. Had to be speedy today due to meetings and such. Looking forward to running long in the cold tomorrow.

Did: 6.42 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
Early downtown group did a new-to-me route called "Waccamaw" (name of one of the streets on the route). It was a nice hilly residential route but the multiple turns and not knowing where I was made the miles tick by. Perfect temps this morning (upper 30s to start) and just a great way to start the day (I know I say that every time I run in the morning, but it really is true).

Did: 1 mi treadmill + 7 mi stationary bike
I'd meant to get up and ride the trainer this morning but either my alarm didn't go off or I slept through it... either way, it was nice to get extra sleep. I went to the gym during lunch, ran my 1 mile on the treadmill then finished off with 30 mins on the stationary bike doing intervals.

Did: 5.16 mi w/ 6x stairs
Got together with the early downtown group this morning for a stair-climbing workout called the "Helltower" route. Basically we ran from one parking garage to another and ran up the stairs to the top & down through the garage. Did a total of 5 different garages (Bowater, Spring, Hyatt, Richardson, River), but did 2x Richardson. This was a good/different type of workout and felt great! I'm sure the glutes will be sore tomorrow...

Did: 1.0 mi treadmill
Was planning on a bit longer run but got called back to my desk for an "urgent" request so I sprinted the rest of my mile and hustled back.

Did: 5.86 mi stroller run
Got a later start than I'd wanted, but did a pretty nice neighborhood loop w/ D in the stroller. It wasn't fast but it was something.

Did: 1.52 mi @ 8:36/mi neighborhood run
I forget why I did this so late, but it was another "just get it done" run.

Week ending thoughts: Well, it's Friday of next week already so I don't even remember. At this point it was time for Christmas holidays!

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