Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year-End Review: 2017

Ah yes, the annual "year in review" post... aka one of my favorite reasons for owning a Garmin.

Running totals: 1,321.43 mi over ~208 hours split between 227 runs
888 miles on the road
143 miles on the trail
116 miles on the treadmill

Biking totals: 738 mi over 63.5 hours split between 56 rides
550 miles on the road
101 miles of mountain biking
38 miles on stationary bike

12 running races:

1/21 - Greenville News Run Downtown 5k
2/4 - Yeti or Not 25k Trail Race
2/12 - Barcelona Half Marathon
2/25 - GHS Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon **PR**
5/13 - Cradle to Grave 30k Trail Race
6/10 - Sunrise 8k
7/4 - Peachtree Road Race 10k **PR**
7/9 - See Jane Run Half Marathon
8/19 - Michelin 5k
9/15 - BMW 2-Miler **PR**
10/13-14 Bourbon Chase Relay
11/11 - Charlotte Marathon **PR**
11/23 - Turkey Day 8k

PRs for all distances except 5k and 8k.

Pretty pleased with my running game being back at its peak (for the most part). Still searching for speed on the shorter distances, but maybe that will come with some speed-specific training.

Challenges this year included some lack of focus and direction over the spring and summer. Seems that after big events and PRs, I tend to relax for a while (which is fine) but I lose ground with my fitness during that time. Again, not a problem but just something to note about my habits.

Definitely lacking on the biking and triathlon front. Perhaps that will change in 2018... not sure I'm ready to put forth any goals or targets for the next year, but I know I'm happy with what I've done and look forward to "doing more work". :)

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 5 of 5)

Did: 4.02 mi @ 8:57/mi
In Florida, Scott and I ran to the play ground near Scott's family's house where the grandparents + D met us for some playtime. It was warm (80s).

Did: 6.3 mi @ 9:09/mi
#10kTuesday with Scott in the morning before it got too warm. Nice flat run through the neighborhood!
The couples that #10kTuesday together, stay together. 

Did: 1.06 mi @ 8:28/mi avg
Traveling home today, so early quick mile before a busy day. I've had some lower back pain for the past few days, so that's fun to deal with while running. Oddly it feels better the faster I run, and I think I've figured out it's at least partially due to tight hamstrings (i.e. when I stretch my hamstrings, my back feels better). Still, going to look into a chiropractor (along with physical therapy for my abs) in the new year. Resolution for 2018: take (better) care of myself.

Did: mountain biking 13.0 @ 7.9 mph avg, and 1.04 mi @ 9:02/mi avg run
D's daycare was open today, but Scott and I took the week off from work... so it's Parent Play Day! We obviously took the opportunity to go mountain biking in Dupont. Did a nice loop despite the below-freezing temps, and then enjoyed some post-ride beverages at Oskar Blues before picking up D. Felt good but I've got a ways to go to get my riding and climbing legs back under me.
Ready to ride, bundled up!

Airstrip Trail

I took a breather while Scott rode Hickory Mtn Loop

Loop done!

After we got home, I took off for a short neighborhood mile to complete #RWRunStreak Day 36.

Did: 5.02 mi @ 8:14/mi avg
Decided to run with the early downtown group today - yay! They were doing an "easy five" which turned out to be not so easy... but was a good run nonetheless. I struggled to keep the pace towards the 3rd mile, and for good reason! Our mile splits were:
8:50, 8:33, 7:50, 7:45, 8:05
No wonder Miles 3 and 4 were hard! Pretty proud of myself for keeping up since my speed has definitely dwindled in the last month or so. Felt really good to get up and get this done. It was cold (28F) but certainly manageable.

Did: 1.03 mi @ 8:31/mi
Quick little mile in the morning through the neighborhood.

Did: 5.01 mi @ 8:58/mi
Afternoon run with Scott through Green Valley to round out the week. It's cold!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 4 of 5)

Week Beginning Thoughts: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Did: treadmill desk walk + 1 mi run
Stomach bug thingy Sunday night made me hesitant to plan any exercise today. Felt better, went to work, walked on the treadmill desk and then did my 1-mile run when we got home from work. 

Did: 6.34 mi @ 7:59/mi avg #10kTuesday
Whee fast! I got to run with the early downtown crew this morning (love love love this) and they always push  me on pace. We did the "West End 6" route, I ran with a girl Julia for a while, but she peeled off to cut the run to 5 miles. I realized we'd gotten behind the lead pack and I didn't know where they were going, so I had to sprint and catch up! 
Yep, Mile 5 was catch-up mile!
As usual, felt great to get this knocked out early, and pulled into work to catch the beautiful sunrise.
Monday night sunset run / Tuesday morning sunrise
Day 27 of the #RWRunStreak done!

Did: 1.0 mi treadmill @ 7:20, TVA exercises
Appointment this morning, headed straight into the gym, and did my mile on the treadmill. Followed by some PT work based on an appointment yesterday to work my transverse abdominal muscles
I've learned that my "staying active" during and after pregnancy have resulted in diastasis recti or a separation of abdominal muscles. Apparently doing traditional abdominal exercises during and after pregnancy actually make the separation worse or at least prevent it from healing. This would have been great information to have 2.5 years ago. :-/

My extensive online research has shown me that I've been doing basically ALL of the "wrong" exercises for years. Awesome. 

My beloved mason twists are also bad bad bad because of the twisting/shearing motion between the abdominal muscles. So that's cool. I haven't found much online as far as routines for "fixing" DR, especially this long after pregnancy (most articles I find talk about ~8 weeks after giving birth...) so I plan to get a referral for PT so I make sure I don't do any more damage. Ugh.

Did: 6.54 mi @ 9:14/mi
I had thoughts of running Paris Mountain, but decided a nice easy loop through Furman was more my speed today. Felt nice, it's rather warm out.
Sweet new shades, too. 😎
Did: 1.0 mi treadmill @ 7:22/mi
Had to get this done quickly so I can get on with the LAST WORKDAY OF 2017!!! 🎉

Did: 1.1 mi in the neighborhood @ 8:22/mi
We're flying out to Florida for Christmas today, so had to get a quick mile in this morning.

Did: 1.42 mi in Florida @ 9:03/mi
Boy, running in 65 degree weather vs 30-something is a big change! Just a quick mile today.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 3 of 5)

Week beginning thoughts: Well, it's already Wednesday and I'm just starting the weekly blog. Let that tell you how things are going!

Did: 1 mi neighborhood run (9:15/mi)
Mondays at work are always ridiculous. Wanted to get down to the gym for a lift and mile, but just didn't get to it. Ran after D went to bed, and took my pepper spray because there have been bear sightings in the neighborhood. Joy!

Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:06/mi
Ran this on the treadmill at the end of the workday and felt like POOP. I do not like running in the afternoon. I kept thinking "Ugh, why is this so hard. What's wrong with me. Am I sick?" and then I finished and realized I'd run the 10k at almost an 8:00/mi pace. Oh, maybe that's why it felt hard?

Did: morning lift + mile (7:20/mi)
Knowing how BLAH I felt yesterday afternoon, I made sure I got myself to the gym first thing this morning for a lift and mile. OH YES I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I need this morning workout routine. Afternoons just aren't cutting it. Sets the whole day right.
Couldn't pull off the unweighted pull-ups today. 
New Pandora station today was definitely killin' it, too:
Takes me back to high school/college emo-pop days.

Did: 10.5 mi bike ride @ 15.5 mph + 1 mi run
Various plans to ride with other people fell through today, so I got in a solo Upstate + hill loop. It felt good to be out on the bike! After the ride, I did a 1 mile run and it reminded me of the triathlon leg feeling. Felt like I was running so slowly, but did an 8:46/mi.

Did: yoga, 1 mi treadmill, and treadmill desk walk
Ran 1 @ 7:24/mi on the treadmill before yoga class at lunch. Always feels good to warm up before class since the gym is notoriously cold. Yoga was good as usual. Walked on the treadmill desk for a bit over an hour in the afternoon.

Did: 4.35 mi group run + yoga class
One of the local running stores periodically offers a group run + yoga class series, so I decided to check it out today. Group run at 7:30am through downtown, casual pace. Enjoyed meeting some other runners and running in the chilly temps. Got back for the 8:30 yoga class and had a nice flow yoga class (I think that's the right type). It was a great way to start Saturday!

Did: 29.0 mi bike ride + 1 mi run
This afternoon we did a family bike ride that was organized by Velo Valets, a local cycling company. There are apparently ~40 murals in the city of Greenville painted by various artists, and the goal of this ride was to see 30 of them. We biked from the house to the start of the ride, and enjoyed pedaling around and seeing all of the murals. Some are old, some are newer, some are more impressive than others, but all are pretty cool! We ended up parting ways with the group after a couple of hours because the rain was moving in and we needed to get home. It was still fun to do something a little different and get in some miles on the bike. I ran my one mile around the neighborhood when we got home even though it had started to sprinkle. Pics of some of the murals are below!
Velo Valets actually has a mural on their building!
This one is on the slatted railing on an overpass - it depicts 2 different images depending on which direction you're approaching from, and the scene is what can be seen behind it. 
Yay family ride! (D was napping)

"Mini murals" on the stones in the San Souci Community Garden
One of my favorites.

"The Tortoise Has A Spare"
Not just a pretty mural, but a delicious restaurant too!

This is unique - it can only be seen from the balcony above it (it's on a rooftop), and it's 7,000 sq ft!
Time for sustenance on the ride home. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 2 of 5)

Week Beginning thoughts: I feel free.

Ok, enough of the vague posting. Last week I decided to resign from Vocal Matrix Chorus. After almost a decade in the chorus I came to the realization that I just don't have the bandwidth to participate, especially this year since the chorus is traveling to the International Competition in St. Louis in the fall. It would have meant an entire year of hardcore practice and extra rehearsal time, not to mention a week's worth of time off from work to travel & compete. As much as I love performing and competing, I just can't "do it all". So last week, I resigned. And I feel free. Sad, disappointed, yes... but also realizing how many things I can DO now without the weekly + more commitments.

Anyway, moving on...

Did: strength + 1 mile
Only did 1 set of 3-way lunges. Legs were dead after that!
Then headed outside for 1.29 mi @ 8:52/mi for #RWRunStreak Day 12.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 9:10/mi avg
Fully intended to run with the early downtown group this morning, but I woke up 5 mins before I'd intended to leave the ho use and realized I'd set my alarm for 4:30 p.m. Oh well. I went back to sleep for an extra hour (whee!) and headed into work early to run. With disco vest for safety, of course.
These are a few of my favorite things.
I oddly enjoy my lukewarm post-run coffee.
I accidentally did a progression run... so that's fun. :)

Did: 10.7 mi stationary bike + 1 mi treadmill run
It's grey and cold and blah outside, so I took the easy route and just hopped on the stationary bike in the gym. I thought of just running, but knew I wanted to get in a "ride" at some point during the week. It wasn't bad, but definitely wasn't my favorite. Managed a 14.3 mph average on the 45-min ride.
Followed with 1 mile on the treadmill for #RWRunStreak Day 14

Did: 1.24 mi run + 30 min walk 
Well today did not go as planned.
Original: Take D to appointment, drop off at daycare, go to work mid-morning. Go straight to the gym at work when I arrive, shower, proceed with normal workday.
Revised: Take D to multiple appointments, drop off at daycare late morning, go home and do a nice long run, then work from home the rest of the day.
Actual: Take D to multiple appointments, drop off at daycare, get home and "check email real quick" (there's where my plans went awry) and rapidly get consumed in work such that I only have 12 minutes to run before a conference call starts. Run and stop running/call in right as meeting starts, walk around the neighborhood while on conference call.
But at least #RWRunStreak is still alive. Day 15.

I found this amusing. 
Did: 1 mi + yoga
Treadmill mile (1.1 to be exact) followed by #yogaFriday.
And it's snowing!

Did: 1 mile run #RWRunStreak Day 17
A busy morning and afternoon of Christmas shopping and such made for just enough time to get in a 1-mile dash around the neighborhood. 8:35/mi pace. Pretty good!

Did: 8.64 mi snowy run
Uh, clearly I am not well adapted to running in sub-freezing temps yet. This was a SLOW run. But pretty with all of the snow nonetheless.

Week ending thoughts: Uh, I dunno? 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Photo post!

Remember that 30k trail race I did back in May? Yeah, they finally posted the race photos on their Facebook page!
Just a mile or two into the race. 

Top of Slate Rock

Amazing views!

Finish line


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 1 of 5)

Week Beginning Thoughts: Nothing on the calendar and no plans for the immediate future. Whee? Thinking I'm just going to ride through to the new year and see what comes up.

Did: 1 treadmill mile + 1 set of core
Car troubles and a morning at the dealership (thankfully they have WiFi!) interrupted my workout plans. I did some work on the treadmill desk when I got back to work, and got in a ~20 minute workout at the very end of the day to get my 1 mile for #RWRunStreak Day 5 and then did a set of core work (25x toe touch w/ 20# medicine ball, heels to heaven, mason twists w/ 20# medicine ball, and pushups). Not the workout I was hoping for, but better than nothing I s'pose.

Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:22/mi pace
#10kTuesday at a pretty decent clip this afternoon. Funny that I still think ~8:20 is "fast" yet it's also marathon pace. Guess it's a matter of perspective? Speaking of perspective... today's run was needed for just that. I get some serious thinking done when I'm out pounding the pavement. Things become clearer. There's less room for mental clutter. It's like the clouds part and the sun comes bursting through.

Also, #RWRunStreak Day 6 complete.

Did: strength + 1mi
Went down for a morning lift since Monday's session was a bust. Did a few new things, mostly the usual routine. Afterwards headed outside for a little over a mile in the warm sunshine for #RWRunStreak Day 7.
Side lunges = oof.
Really working towards unweighted pull-ups. I can't manage many, and they're pretty limited range of motion / poor form... but damnit, I'm determined to get there.

Did: #speedworkThursday, 4.14 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Outside run today, boy it's gorgeous for almost December... actually it's almost too warm for my taste right now (I'll be eating those words in a few weeks, I'm sure). Did a progression run... warm-up, 2 full "laps" at increasing moderate pace, then final ~half lap at hard 10k race pace (or that's what I had in my head at least). Cool-down afterwards.

Worked out OK, though the paces I had in my head do not match what ended up happening... (I had 8:30 / 8:00 / 7:30 in my brain). Guess the sore legs from yesterday are a factor.

Did: 2.45 mi walking treadmill desk + 1 mi for #RWRunStreak Day 9
My supposedly "quick conference call" at 11am actually went for a full hour and a half... so I missed lunchtime yoga. Walked on the treadmill desk for about an hour at work.
Did my mile for #RWRunStreak Day 9 as Scott was putting D to bed... it was fun running through the neighborhood in the dark, especially seeing all of the neighbors' Christmas lights that are up!
Bright Moon to light my way, plus disco vest for safety
Did: 10.13 mi @ 9:15/mi avg
Tackled the Paris Mountain climb this morning since I was on my own for a run. Not my fastest climb up the mountain by far, but felt good to do it. Pretty views through the thinning leaves on the trees, and always that sign on the pavement at the top to make you feel good!

Views through the trees

Made it!

Winding road
Also, I saw this on Facebook this morning and laughed.
So true. 
Did: 11.25 mi mountain bike + 1 mi run
Met up with a rad group of women for the Upstate SORBA Ladies' Ride at Pleasant Ridge this afternoon. I was running late, and it was ridiculously crowded when I arrived, so I figured they'd already gone out for loop #1 (it's a ~5 mile loop). So I headed out on my own, thinking I'd catch up to them. Ended up riding the entire loop on my own, which was kind of nice, and got to the parking lot and waited for the start of Loop #2. Turns out I was actually ahead of them the whole time, and they all rolled in about 10 minutes after I'd finished. We gathered and headed out for a second loop. It was a lot of fun, and great to meet/reconnect with folks!
Loop 1 = 46 mins
Loop 2 = 44 mins
Hello there, Nicola the Trail Cat... it's been far too long!

I got home and ran my 1 mile around the neighborhood as the sun was setting. #RWRunStreak Day 11

Week Ending Thoughts: Happy. Just happy.