Sunday, December 17, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 3 of 5)

Week beginning thoughts: Well, it's already Wednesday and I'm just starting the weekly blog. Let that tell you how things are going!

Did: 1 mi neighborhood run (9:15/mi)
Mondays at work are always ridiculous. Wanted to get down to the gym for a lift and mile, but just didn't get to it. Ran after D went to bed, and took my pepper spray because there have been bear sightings in the neighborhood. Joy!

Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:06/mi
Ran this on the treadmill at the end of the workday and felt like POOP. I do not like running in the afternoon. I kept thinking "Ugh, why is this so hard. What's wrong with me. Am I sick?" and then I finished and realized I'd run the 10k at almost an 8:00/mi pace. Oh, maybe that's why it felt hard?

Did: morning lift + mile (7:20/mi)
Knowing how BLAH I felt yesterday afternoon, I made sure I got myself to the gym first thing this morning for a lift and mile. OH YES I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I need this morning workout routine. Afternoons just aren't cutting it. Sets the whole day right.
Couldn't pull off the unweighted pull-ups today. 
New Pandora station today was definitely killin' it, too:
Takes me back to high school/college emo-pop days.

Did: 10.5 mi bike ride @ 15.5 mph + 1 mi run
Various plans to ride with other people fell through today, so I got in a solo Upstate + hill loop. It felt good to be out on the bike! After the ride, I did a 1 mile run and it reminded me of the triathlon leg feeling. Felt like I was running so slowly, but did an 8:46/mi.

Did: yoga, 1 mi treadmill, and treadmill desk walk
Ran 1 @ 7:24/mi on the treadmill before yoga class at lunch. Always feels good to warm up before class since the gym is notoriously cold. Yoga was good as usual. Walked on the treadmill desk for a bit over an hour in the afternoon.

Did: 4.35 mi group run + yoga class
One of the local running stores periodically offers a group run + yoga class series, so I decided to check it out today. Group run at 7:30am through downtown, casual pace. Enjoyed meeting some other runners and running in the chilly temps. Got back for the 8:30 yoga class and had a nice flow yoga class (I think that's the right type). It was a great way to start Saturday!

Did: 29.0 mi bike ride + 1 mi run
This afternoon we did a family bike ride that was organized by Velo Valets, a local cycling company. There are apparently ~40 murals in the city of Greenville painted by various artists, and the goal of this ride was to see 30 of them. We biked from the house to the start of the ride, and enjoyed pedaling around and seeing all of the murals. Some are old, some are newer, some are more impressive than others, but all are pretty cool! We ended up parting ways with the group after a couple of hours because the rain was moving in and we needed to get home. It was still fun to do something a little different and get in some miles on the bike. I ran my one mile around the neighborhood when we got home even though it had started to sprinkle. Pics of some of the murals are below!
Velo Valets actually has a mural on their building!
This one is on the slatted railing on an overpass - it depicts 2 different images depending on which direction you're approaching from, and the scene is what can be seen behind it. 
Yay family ride! (D was napping)

"Mini murals" on the stones in the San Souci Community Garden
One of my favorites.

"The Tortoise Has A Spare"
Not just a pretty mural, but a delicious restaurant too!

This is unique - it can only be seen from the balcony above it (it's on a rooftop), and it's 7,000 sq ft!
Time for sustenance on the ride home. 

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