Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 2 of 5)

Week Beginning thoughts: I feel free.

Ok, enough of the vague posting. Last week I decided to resign from Vocal Matrix Chorus. After almost a decade in the chorus I came to the realization that I just don't have the bandwidth to participate, especially this year since the chorus is traveling to the International Competition in St. Louis in the fall. It would have meant an entire year of hardcore practice and extra rehearsal time, not to mention a week's worth of time off from work to travel & compete. As much as I love performing and competing, I just can't "do it all". So last week, I resigned. And I feel free. Sad, disappointed, yes... but also realizing how many things I can DO now without the weekly + more commitments.

Anyway, moving on...

Did: strength + 1 mile
Only did 1 set of 3-way lunges. Legs were dead after that!
Then headed outside for 1.29 mi @ 8:52/mi for #RWRunStreak Day 12.

Did: 6.22 mi @ 9:10/mi avg
Fully intended to run with the early downtown group this morning, but I woke up 5 mins before I'd intended to leave the ho use and realized I'd set my alarm for 4:30 p.m. Oh well. I went back to sleep for an extra hour (whee!) and headed into work early to run. With disco vest for safety, of course.
These are a few of my favorite things.
I oddly enjoy my lukewarm post-run coffee.
I accidentally did a progression run... so that's fun. :)

Did: 10.7 mi stationary bike + 1 mi treadmill run
It's grey and cold and blah outside, so I took the easy route and just hopped on the stationary bike in the gym. I thought of just running, but knew I wanted to get in a "ride" at some point during the week. It wasn't bad, but definitely wasn't my favorite. Managed a 14.3 mph average on the 45-min ride.
Followed with 1 mile on the treadmill for #RWRunStreak Day 14

Did: 1.24 mi run + 30 min walk 
Well today did not go as planned.
Original: Take D to appointment, drop off at daycare, go to work mid-morning. Go straight to the gym at work when I arrive, shower, proceed with normal workday.
Revised: Take D to multiple appointments, drop off at daycare late morning, go home and do a nice long run, then work from home the rest of the day.
Actual: Take D to multiple appointments, drop off at daycare, get home and "check email real quick" (there's where my plans went awry) and rapidly get consumed in work such that I only have 12 minutes to run before a conference call starts. Run and stop running/call in right as meeting starts, walk around the neighborhood while on conference call.
But at least #RWRunStreak is still alive. Day 15.

I found this amusing. 
Did: 1 mi + yoga
Treadmill mile (1.1 to be exact) followed by #yogaFriday.
And it's snowing!

Did: 1 mile run #RWRunStreak Day 17
A busy morning and afternoon of Christmas shopping and such made for just enough time to get in a 1-mile dash around the neighborhood. 8:35/mi pace. Pretty good!

Did: 8.64 mi snowy run
Uh, clearly I am not well adapted to running in sub-freezing temps yet. This was a SLOW run. But pretty with all of the snow nonetheless.

Week ending thoughts: Uh, I dunno? 

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