Sunday, February 5, 2017

Race Report: Yeti or Not 25k

Yeti or not? Doesn't matter, it's race day!
Going into this race, I felt ready(ish). Pretty much all of my training had gone according to plan and I didn't have any concerns about finishing it. I had no idea what to expect as far as time since I hadn't actually done any training on the actual race course. 
Race course map
I knew Dupont State Forest (site of the race) had some good climbs and hills, but wasn't anything terrible like Pisgah. I also knew that it wouldn't be as flat as Camp Croft, so my 2 hour time for the half back in November wasn't a very good gauge. I set my goal at 3 hours for the ~15 mile race.

Race morning rolled around, I ate a normal breakfast (breakfast burritos!) and then headed north on Hwy 276 towards Dupont. It was about a 45 minute drive, and a familiar route, so I wasn't concerned about getting there for the 10am start. I enjoyed this semi-delayed start because 1) I didn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn and 2) it allowed the temperatures to rise a little bit with the sun since it was about 24F overnight!

Pre-race... cold! But we got sweet hats.
The cold was interesting because so far this winter I've only run in sub-freezing temperatures maybe twice? And certainly not recently. I packed a whole bunch of extra layers not knowing what to expect. Ended up running in tights (but not fleece-lined), wool socks, long sleeve tech shirt + short sleeve shirt over it, and fleece headband. This turned out to be perfect overall - a bit cold at the start, but quite comfortable after the first couple of miles were done. I even shed my gloves at the first aid station.

The elevation turned out to be challenging but not as relentless as the map would lead you to believe... the first 5 miles looked to be mostly uphill, but it really didn't seem as bad as it looked on paper (YAY!).

The worst bit was the ~2mi climb at the end!
Overall this was such a great race. I felt good and steady through most of the run.

First creek crossing, Mile ~1.5
The early climb up to the first aid station was tough but it really didn't seem as long or as steep as the map made it look. The middle miles really ticked by quickly (and the nice long descent / flat part helped). Got a little tired around miles 9-10, just before the 2nd aid station.

Coming into Aid Station #2
I probably should have stopped to eat a snack earlier than that station, but in my mind I felt better making it there first before taking a little break for some fuel. I walked a bit, ate some Stinger gummies, and then continued onwards. I got lost in my own thoughts for a while in the next few miles, which was nice, and I felt really good by the time I hit mile 13 or so.

The last couple of miles had a few good climbs, which themselves wouldn't have been so hard if I hadn't been going for 2.5 hours already. I walked some of them, and was excited to see the trees clearing and cheering/shouts in the distance meaning the finish line was near!

Finish line! Halleluia!
I was tired and stiff, but feeling good and accomplished. I had a snack, sat and stretched in the sun, and chatted with Shannon for a while before heading out.

Sweet medal!
Finish time: 2:42:35
93 of 182 overall
18 of 40 age group

Happy with this result!

Pre-race photo with my trail running ladies

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