Thursday, December 28, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 4 of 5)

Week Beginning Thoughts: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Did: treadmill desk walk + 1 mi run
Stomach bug thingy Sunday night made me hesitant to plan any exercise today. Felt better, went to work, walked on the treadmill desk and then did my 1-mile run when we got home from work. 

Did: 6.34 mi @ 7:59/mi avg #10kTuesday
Whee fast! I got to run with the early downtown crew this morning (love love love this) and they always push  me on pace. We did the "West End 6" route, I ran with a girl Julia for a while, but she peeled off to cut the run to 5 miles. I realized we'd gotten behind the lead pack and I didn't know where they were going, so I had to sprint and catch up! 
Yep, Mile 5 was catch-up mile!
As usual, felt great to get this knocked out early, and pulled into work to catch the beautiful sunrise.
Monday night sunset run / Tuesday morning sunrise
Day 27 of the #RWRunStreak done!

Did: 1.0 mi treadmill @ 7:20, TVA exercises
Appointment this morning, headed straight into the gym, and did my mile on the treadmill. Followed by some PT work based on an appointment yesterday to work my transverse abdominal muscles
I've learned that my "staying active" during and after pregnancy have resulted in diastasis recti or a separation of abdominal muscles. Apparently doing traditional abdominal exercises during and after pregnancy actually make the separation worse or at least prevent it from healing. This would have been great information to have 2.5 years ago. :-/

My extensive online research has shown me that I've been doing basically ALL of the "wrong" exercises for years. Awesome. 

My beloved mason twists are also bad bad bad because of the twisting/shearing motion between the abdominal muscles. So that's cool. I haven't found much online as far as routines for "fixing" DR, especially this long after pregnancy (most articles I find talk about ~8 weeks after giving birth...) so I plan to get a referral for PT so I make sure I don't do any more damage. Ugh.

Did: 6.54 mi @ 9:14/mi
I had thoughts of running Paris Mountain, but decided a nice easy loop through Furman was more my speed today. Felt nice, it's rather warm out.
Sweet new shades, too. 😎
Did: 1.0 mi treadmill @ 7:22/mi
Had to get this done quickly so I can get on with the LAST WORKDAY OF 2017!!! 🎉

Did: 1.1 mi in the neighborhood @ 8:22/mi
We're flying out to Florida for Christmas today, so had to get a quick mile in this morning.

Did: 1.42 mi in Florida @ 9:03/mi
Boy, running in 65 degree weather vs 30-something is a big change! Just a quick mile today.

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