Sunday, August 20, 2017

Race Report: Michelin 5k

This race coincided with a 7 mile run on my training plan, so I decided to do 2 before the race and 2 after.

Pre-run selfie
Got to the race location early enough to do a 2 mile out-and-back warm-up run. The air felt ok and I had hopes that the humidity wouldn't be too terrible.

Spoiler alert: it was bad.

Finished my 2 miles with about 15 minutes before race start. I was thirsty but there was no pre-race water available, and my water bottle was in my car a quarter mile away. I thought of running out to get it, but didn't want to be in a rush to get back to the start, so I decided to just chance it and head for the water stop at the 1-mile mark.

Race started and we were off. The race begins with a slight downhill for about a half mile, so I knew it would be fast. I tried to settle into a comfortable but hard pace, knowing the hills would start soon. We hit a nice cool pocket of air right as the first incline started. It was another half mile to the only turn on the out-and-back course, and that's where the water stop was also. Grabbed water and felt much better, but realized I was hungry, too. Guess my Clif bar at 6:00am had worn off.

Mile 1 = 6:52

The second mile saw a downhill followed by an uphill to the turn-around point... then of course the down and up back to the water stop/turn/mile marker. I tried to just maintain consistent effort based on feel, but I knew this mile was not as fast as the first one.

Mile 2 = 7:07

The final mile (as the reverse of the first one) starts with a nice downhill but finishes with a slow burn of an uphill all the way to the finish line. I knew I was running on empty by the time I huffed and puffed towards Mile 3 and dipped into the parking lot for the final stretch to the finish. This race did have great support as you entered the final 0.1 mile, great folks cheering, and even some awesome runners from the elite squad that were coaching finishers into the final strides.

Mile 3 = 7:08

Final 0.1 = 6:17/mi pace

Crossed the line with the "I feel like puking" sensation, which always signals that I gave it all I had. I recovered pretty quickly, though, and cheered other teammates across the line.

Milliken Team
After getting most of the team together for a photo, I headed out for another out-and-back on the course for the last 2 miles. As I approached the finish chute, I had folks telling me "Over here! This way!!" to which I had to inform thanks, but I'd already finished. I was definitely tired by the time I got back to the car, and was more than happy to sit in the A/C of my vehicle.

I'm happy with the results. I feel like I might have been able to pull out a few seconds more speed, but I don't think I had another 40 seconds in me for an overall 5k PR. That will have to wait for another day. This IS, however, a post-baby PR. So that is certainly something to be happy about.

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