Sunday, December 3, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 1 of 5)

Week Beginning Thoughts: Nothing on the calendar and no plans for the immediate future. Whee? Thinking I'm just going to ride through to the new year and see what comes up.

Did: 1 treadmill mile + 1 set of core
Car troubles and a morning at the dealership (thankfully they have WiFi!) interrupted my workout plans. I did some work on the treadmill desk when I got back to work, and got in a ~20 minute workout at the very end of the day to get my 1 mile for #RWRunStreak Day 5 and then did a set of core work (25x toe touch w/ 20# medicine ball, heels to heaven, mason twists w/ 20# medicine ball, and pushups). Not the workout I was hoping for, but better than nothing I s'pose.

Did: 6.29 mi @ 8:22/mi pace
#10kTuesday at a pretty decent clip this afternoon. Funny that I still think ~8:20 is "fast" yet it's also marathon pace. Guess it's a matter of perspective? Speaking of perspective... today's run was needed for just that. I get some serious thinking done when I'm out pounding the pavement. Things become clearer. There's less room for mental clutter. It's like the clouds part and the sun comes bursting through.

Also, #RWRunStreak Day 6 complete.

Did: strength + 1mi
Went down for a morning lift since Monday's session was a bust. Did a few new things, mostly the usual routine. Afterwards headed outside for a little over a mile in the warm sunshine for #RWRunStreak Day 7.
Side lunges = oof.
Really working towards unweighted pull-ups. I can't manage many, and they're pretty limited range of motion / poor form... but damnit, I'm determined to get there.

Did: #speedworkThursday, 4.14 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Outside run today, boy it's gorgeous for almost December... actually it's almost too warm for my taste right now (I'll be eating those words in a few weeks, I'm sure). Did a progression run... warm-up, 2 full "laps" at increasing moderate pace, then final ~half lap at hard 10k race pace (or that's what I had in my head at least). Cool-down afterwards.

Worked out OK, though the paces I had in my head do not match what ended up happening... (I had 8:30 / 8:00 / 7:30 in my brain). Guess the sore legs from yesterday are a factor.

Did: 2.45 mi walking treadmill desk + 1 mi for #RWRunStreak Day 9
My supposedly "quick conference call" at 11am actually went for a full hour and a half... so I missed lunchtime yoga. Walked on the treadmill desk for about an hour at work.
Did my mile for #RWRunStreak Day 9 as Scott was putting D to bed... it was fun running through the neighborhood in the dark, especially seeing all of the neighbors' Christmas lights that are up!
Bright Moon to light my way, plus disco vest for safety
Did: 10.13 mi @ 9:15/mi avg
Tackled the Paris Mountain climb this morning since I was on my own for a run. Not my fastest climb up the mountain by far, but felt good to do it. Pretty views through the thinning leaves on the trees, and always that sign on the pavement at the top to make you feel good!

Views through the trees

Made it!

Winding road
Also, I saw this on Facebook this morning and laughed.
So true. 
Did: 11.25 mi mountain bike + 1 mi run
Met up with a rad group of women for the Upstate SORBA Ladies' Ride at Pleasant Ridge this afternoon. I was running late, and it was ridiculously crowded when I arrived, so I figured they'd already gone out for loop #1 (it's a ~5 mile loop). So I headed out on my own, thinking I'd catch up to them. Ended up riding the entire loop on my own, which was kind of nice, and got to the parking lot and waited for the start of Loop #2. Turns out I was actually ahead of them the whole time, and they all rolled in about 10 minutes after I'd finished. We gathered and headed out for a second loop. It was a lot of fun, and great to meet/reconnect with folks!
Loop 1 = 46 mins
Loop 2 = 44 mins
Hello there, Nicola the Trail Cat... it's been far too long!

I got home and ran my 1 mile around the neighborhood as the sun was setting. #RWRunStreak Day 11

Week Ending Thoughts: Happy. Just happy. 

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