Sunday, December 31, 2017

Wrapping Up 2017 (Week 5 of 5)

Did: 4.02 mi @ 8:57/mi
In Florida, Scott and I ran to the play ground near Scott's family's house where the grandparents + D met us for some playtime. It was warm (80s).

Did: 6.3 mi @ 9:09/mi
#10kTuesday with Scott in the morning before it got too warm. Nice flat run through the neighborhood!
The couples that #10kTuesday together, stay together. 

Did: 1.06 mi @ 8:28/mi avg
Traveling home today, so early quick mile before a busy day. I've had some lower back pain for the past few days, so that's fun to deal with while running. Oddly it feels better the faster I run, and I think I've figured out it's at least partially due to tight hamstrings (i.e. when I stretch my hamstrings, my back feels better). Still, going to look into a chiropractor (along with physical therapy for my abs) in the new year. Resolution for 2018: take (better) care of myself.

Did: mountain biking 13.0 @ 7.9 mph avg, and 1.04 mi @ 9:02/mi avg run
D's daycare was open today, but Scott and I took the week off from work... so it's Parent Play Day! We obviously took the opportunity to go mountain biking in Dupont. Did a nice loop despite the below-freezing temps, and then enjoyed some post-ride beverages at Oskar Blues before picking up D. Felt good but I've got a ways to go to get my riding and climbing legs back under me.
Ready to ride, bundled up!

Airstrip Trail

I took a breather while Scott rode Hickory Mtn Loop

Loop done!

After we got home, I took off for a short neighborhood mile to complete #RWRunStreak Day 36.

Did: 5.02 mi @ 8:14/mi avg
Decided to run with the early downtown group today - yay! They were doing an "easy five" which turned out to be not so easy... but was a good run nonetheless. I struggled to keep the pace towards the 3rd mile, and for good reason! Our mile splits were:
8:50, 8:33, 7:50, 7:45, 8:05
No wonder Miles 3 and 4 were hard! Pretty proud of myself for keeping up since my speed has definitely dwindled in the last month or so. Felt really good to get up and get this done. It was cold (28F) but certainly manageable.

Did: 1.03 mi @ 8:31/mi
Quick little mile in the morning through the neighborhood.

Did: 5.01 mi @ 8:58/mi
Afternoon run with Scott through Green Valley to round out the week. It's cold!

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