Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sickness in the house

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt class
On my last day of my unlimited 1-month pass at Soul Yoga I decided to do one of the sculpt classes, which have always intimidated me. Spoiler alert: I was right to be intimidated! First of all, this was NOT a yoga class. Like, not even close. It's a plyo/strength class with loud music, weights, squats (so many squats), resistance bands, and a few yoga poses thrown in. It was HARD. I'm glad I did it but I'm not sure I'd make a regular habit of it. I like strength training at my own pace and I prefer to not incorporate cardio into it... I do enough cardio on my own. But yeah, I was a puddle by the end because oh yeah it's still held in a 95F studio.

Did: 6.73 mi @ 8:28/mi avg
Dodged the rain (kind of) to do some track work this morning. My plan was to do a 3k indicator run to help with my 5k training plan, then do a few shorter intervals with whatever time I had left. Seven and a half laps... that was 3000 m. We ran from the cars to the track, and then I set off, counting off half-laps. I had a little mental roadbump when I got to 3.5 laps done and realized I wasn't halfway yet... but magically after that, the rest of it flew by and I didn't struggle through 6... 6.5...7....7.5 as much as I anticipated, which tells me I wasn't pushing hard enough.
My Garmin says I ran a 7:02 pace, but ran a little over 3100 m (I was running in Lane 3 the whole time so it should have been accurately 3000m).  Based on my time assuming the distance was correct, it was more like a 7:17/mi pace which is what it felt like. Either way, I think I'll use my 22:14 5k time from Greenville News to judge my pacing for future work.
We got rained on.
Did: nada
Stayed home with a sick little one today, so did not get in any workout.

Did: 40 min stationary bike
Was about to scrap this workout but decided to go for it and I'm glad I did. It wasn't much but it was something.

Did: 4.90 mi @ 8:05/mi avg
Wow, what a run!! Sunshine, perfectly chilly temperatures, feeling very "in the zone" all made for a great lunchtime run at work today. Maybe it's this TED Talk that my runner mama friend shared that just added a bit of clarity to things today.

Did: 8.45 mi @ 9:39/mi avg
Today there was a special event at a county park less than a mile from my house where they were hosting a 5k "drop-in" trial run of some trails at the park. They're not new, but I guess they've done some work on them and are trying to get more folks out there since it's a pretty under-utilized park. It's primarily an equestrian park (there are stables and show rings for jumping, etc) but there's a nice set of a few miles worth of trails through the woods nearby. I'd been on them on a bike once or twice many years ago but hadn't explored them since then. I took this opportunity to try out a couple of loops and ended up meeting a bunch of runner friends just by chance. It was a fun loop and I didn't even realize I'd run over 8 miles by the time I got home! I'll look forward to using these trails more often.

I also realized this was the first time I'd been on trails (other than the cross-country course at work) since my 50k, and I quite enjoyed the freedom of running through the woods, even briefly. :)

Did: 6.1 mi @ 8:51/mi avg + 60 min yoga
A few of the runners I happened to see on Saturday invited me to their group run on Sunday morning. I took the opportunity to bring D out in the stroller and run 6 miles with them on the Swamp Rabbit trail. I realized how much I missed stroller running, too! It's been a year since my stroller marathon training and I love the feeling of clicking off miles on the trail with my buddy. Was also nice to run with friends I haven't seen in a while.

Afterwards, I met up with Scott at Red's (a local craft beer & wine taproom) for Sunday afternoon yoga. It was a nice easy class, lots of relaxation/breathing.

What could have been a disaster of a week turned out to be not so bad on the exercise front... magically I stayed healthy despite the flu in the household, and only had one rest day which is as it should be anyway. Got in 4 days of running (total of just over 26 miles for the week!) which hasn't happened in a good while and feel awesome because of it. Let's keep this going...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Did: 20 min strength + 1.28 mi run
Did some lifting in the afternoon but decided I really wanted to go outside and run, so I did. Just a quick one because of a meeting, but it was good to get some fresh air in the last day of non-rain for the week. So tired of rain.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 8:46/mi
2 mile warm-up + 3 mile progression, followed by cooldown. Was not feeling it this morning and I think I'm getting sick.
Definitely a progression. 
Did: 4.22 mi @ 8:25/mi
Took the break in the rain to get outside and run. Just a quick dash through campus, but stayed away from the dirt trails due to MUD. I'm still not feeling 100% but it's all drainage/throat stuff so it isn't affecting breathing or anything. Plus I slept 9 hours last night. 🎉

Did: core + 40 min stationary bike
Started out with a core routine posted by my trainer friend on her Instagram. Then did 40 mins of intervals on the stationary bike. Worked up a good sweat (as always) and kind of wish I'd brought my bike since it decided to stop raining earlier than planned. Oh well.

Did: rest (planned)
Rest day!

Did: rest (unplanned)
A little too much fun Friday night made for a totally useless day Saturday.

Did: 6.97 mi @ 9:30/mi
Ran a piece of the Green Valley route at a casual pace. Intended to go to yoga this afternoon but a sick child caused those plans to be cancelled.

Well the first part of the week looked promising then everything fell off the rails.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Making some plans - 5k & 8k

Ok, I've been looking at my race PR list and I see a couple that just NEED to go.

PRs should not stand for 5+ years and it's time to make some concerted efforts for those to be replaced. I keep making excuses for why I'm not going for PRs and it's time to stop.

The 5k should be one I can knock off this year because there's, like, a 5k race every weekend in this area. Right now I'm targeting the Zoom through the Zoo 5k in early May as my goal race, but there are a few others that I can go for after that if things don't pan out.

It's a pretty flat course except for the hilly loop through the zoo at the end (of course). I ran a 21:44 last year, though the course was short and I'll have to keep a close eye on that this year - run extra through the finish line if I have to. I also read my report from 2018 and my notes stated it was NOT a PR course... so maybe we'll see. At least it'll be a good benchmark.

Anyway, I'm looking at this 8-week program from Hal Higdon (my fave training plans).

His description for this Advanced plan indicates it is for people already running "4-5 days a week, 20-30 miles a week or more". Yeah... so I'll be spending the next month working back up to that. I think instead of the Wednesday rest or easy run I'll be substituting some cross-training or strength training, as usual.

After this I want to tackle the 8k, but there are really only two in the area: Sunrise Run (early June) and the Turkey Trot 8k (Thanksgiving). If things go well in May I'll probably look to PR at the Sunrise run, but it's a HOT and hilly course... I've consistently run ~37 mins in the past few years, so maybe I can find a way to shave 3 mins off. Woof.

And after all that, maybe I'll run a fall marathon. 😏🙈

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tornadoes and such.

Did: 4.64 mi trail run
It was too beautiful of a day to do anything indoors, so I took to the trails at lunch and it was perfection in the sunshine. Pace was solid, felt good (although my upper left hamstring has been giving me issues for a few days...), and still could have soaked up a few more hours of sunshine and been quite happy with that.

Did: 6.43 mi @ 8:37/mi avg
Track Tuesday! Had two others along for the ride this morning, and man it was gorgeous. So quiet with the cloud cover and warm (for February) temps. I ran in shorts and a long sleeve tech shirt, but didn't need the sleeves. I ran 8x400m repeats, all were between 1:30-1:40 so at least pretty consistent.

Did: rest
My legs have been sore for days so, despite not wanting to rest in the midst of a day (week) full of sitting in meetings, I think I need it. Will at least walk around between sessions and maybe see my desk today. Maybe.

Did: rest again
Ugh just... meetings, giving a presentation, rain... just nope. Oh and also tornadoes!

Did: rest, why not?
I even brought my workout bag to work, intending to get back into the routine, and just... didn't.

Did: 10.06 mi @ 8:55/mi
YESSSS. This was great and needed. The Green Valley Road Race was scheduled for this morning, but I'd decided I wanted to be done with my run earlier than doing the race would allow... so what did I do? I basically ran the race course, starting & ending at my house since the course goes RIGHT through my neighborhood. I changed some of it because it crosses major highways and I didn't have the luxury of police stopping traffic for me, but I did cross paths with the 5 mile race for about half a mile. I felt good through the run and really liked getting in double-digits... it's been a hot minute since I've done that.
Post-run coffee
Did: 60 min power flow yoga
Yay finally got to a yoga class this week! Really loving this Sunday afternoon class. The teacher is challenging but not so much that you feel like it's impossible. Whew!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Finishing out January

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Did the early morning class, and again loved starting the week with this!

Did: 6.43 mi @ 8:51/mi avg
Track Tuesday with friends! I had this grand idea of doing some sort of workout in celebration of my 35th birthday today... at first I planned 3x3x500m but didn't think I'd have enough time to get that many repeats... so I thought, ok, I'll just do repeats to get 3500m of speed intervals... and in the early morning hours that worked out to 7x300m... yeah, not even close. 🙈 I finished the 7th one and was like... wait a minute... oh well. It was a nice thought. Haven't done short intervals in a while, though, so it was still a good workout! Each repeat was between 1:05-1:10 (maybe one was 1:11). Anyway, need to remember to check my 4:30am math better in the future. 😂

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Working from home today so took the opportunity to do a yoga class at lunchtime. It was a great class! I really liked the teacher (Karina) who I'd had once before. Challenging class, pretty fast paced, but I felt like I could handle it.

Did: rest
Planned this as a rest day due simply to the fact that my work day was packed start to finish and Scott is out of town, so I couldn't easily do anything before/after.

Did: 5.0 miles treadmill, 3x1mi repeats
I did not want to do this today, but I felt great once I finished! I told myself to get through 2 repeats and I could stop if I wanted to... but of course by that point, I knew I could do JUST ONE MORE. So I did. Yay!

Did: 7.6 mi mountain bike
Was just not feeling it this morning, and was very tentative on a lot of the technical parts that I usually have no problem with. It was nice out and I wish I'd been more "with it".

Did: 1 mi running after D on his bike + 60 min power flow yoga
Chased D on his bike through the neighborhood for about a mile, then I went to Power Flow 60 in the afternoon. It was a great class - really like this teacher & time.