Monday, May 13, 2019

May Days

Week Beginning thoughts: Going to be a busy week of solo operations.

Did: short core workout
Only had about a 30 minute time slot to work out between meetings and such this morning, and then got interrupted because the first responder team was doing a drill, enacting someone having a medical emergency while working out and calling in the first responders from across the campus to attend to him. So I had to move my workout into the other room and it just threw off the routine I'd had in my mind. Eh, it was something which is always better than nothing.

Did: 6.28 mi @ 8:47/mi avg
I hit the trails at work today in honor of signing up for the Sky to Summit 25k. Felt good but a bit slow, though apparently my pace didn't reflect what I felt. Heh.

Did: rest

Did: 3.13 mi @ 11:44/mi avg
Went to Paris Mountain after work and signed up for my annual park pass which took longer than I'd hoped, so I was shorter on time than I'd anticipated for the run. Oh well, it felt so good to be out in the woods on REAL trails (not just the cross-country grass trails at work). It was a bit humbling, as you can see by my average pace, but I was enjoying every step. A little paranoid about snakes, and for good reason because I ran into one at the end of the run!
Trails 💚
Unfortunate toad.

Did: lifting
Another short lift but this one was better than Monday's at least. Skipped leg stuff due to tomorrow's race but based on the weather predictions (rain, rain, thunderstorm, ALL DAY) it's probably not going to be a hard race effort. But hey, who knows.

Did: 1mi WU, Zoom through the Zoo 5k, 1 mi CD
Not even going to bother with a race report on this one - just not even bothered by it. It was a decent race, pretty well organized, the rain held off for the most part, and I ran pretty well but while I was excited with my official finish time of 21:46 I was disappointed that the course was almost 0.2 miles short. I parked a mile away so I ran to and from the race to get some additional miles for the day.
Milliken team!
The rain scared away a lot of people who had signed up, so we had a decent number of no-shows which is also disappointing. One of our runners was the #2 overall finisher, though!

Did: 2.14 mi "hike" at Paris Mtn
I took D to Paris Mountain because he wanted to bike - he rode while I hiked behind him. Obviously wasn't strenuous and he wasn't interested in riding in the hiking backpack to do more miles, so we enjoyed our loops on the Turtle Trail and called it a day.

Week-ending thoughts: Decent week, but missed having a long run or bike ride. Darn rain.

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