Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tornadoes and such.

Did: 4.64 mi trail run
It was too beautiful of a day to do anything indoors, so I took to the trails at lunch and it was perfection in the sunshine. Pace was solid, felt good (although my upper left hamstring has been giving me issues for a few days...), and still could have soaked up a few more hours of sunshine and been quite happy with that.

Did: 6.43 mi @ 8:37/mi avg
Track Tuesday! Had two others along for the ride this morning, and man it was gorgeous. So quiet with the cloud cover and warm (for February) temps. I ran in shorts and a long sleeve tech shirt, but didn't need the sleeves. I ran 8x400m repeats, all were between 1:30-1:40 so at least pretty consistent.

Did: rest
My legs have been sore for days so, despite not wanting to rest in the midst of a day (week) full of sitting in meetings, I think I need it. Will at least walk around between sessions and maybe see my desk today. Maybe.

Did: rest again
Ugh just... meetings, giving a presentation, rain... just nope. Oh and also tornadoes!

Did: rest, why not?
I even brought my workout bag to work, intending to get back into the routine, and just... didn't.

Did: 10.06 mi @ 8:55/mi
YESSSS. This was great and needed. The Green Valley Road Race was scheduled for this morning, but I'd decided I wanted to be done with my run earlier than doing the race would allow... so what did I do? I basically ran the race course, starting & ending at my house since the course goes RIGHT through my neighborhood. I changed some of it because it crosses major highways and I didn't have the luxury of police stopping traffic for me, but I did cross paths with the 5 mile race for about half a mile. I felt good through the run and really liked getting in double-digits... it's been a hot minute since I've done that.
Post-run coffee
Did: 60 min power flow yoga
Yay finally got to a yoga class this week! Really loving this Sunday afternoon class. The teacher is challenging but not so much that you feel like it's impossible. Whew!

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