Monday, February 3, 2020

Finishing out January

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Did the early morning class, and again loved starting the week with this!

Did: 6.43 mi @ 8:51/mi avg
Track Tuesday with friends! I had this grand idea of doing some sort of workout in celebration of my 35th birthday today... at first I planned 3x3x500m but didn't think I'd have enough time to get that many repeats... so I thought, ok, I'll just do repeats to get 3500m of speed intervals... and in the early morning hours that worked out to 7x300m... yeah, not even close. 🙈 I finished the 7th one and was like... wait a minute... oh well. It was a nice thought. Haven't done short intervals in a while, though, so it was still a good workout! Each repeat was between 1:05-1:10 (maybe one was 1:11). Anyway, need to remember to check my 4:30am math better in the future. 😂

Did: 60 min Power Flow yoga
Working from home today so took the opportunity to do a yoga class at lunchtime. It was a great class! I really liked the teacher (Karina) who I'd had once before. Challenging class, pretty fast paced, but I felt like I could handle it.

Did: rest
Planned this as a rest day due simply to the fact that my work day was packed start to finish and Scott is out of town, so I couldn't easily do anything before/after.

Did: 5.0 miles treadmill, 3x1mi repeats
I did not want to do this today, but I felt great once I finished! I told myself to get through 2 repeats and I could stop if I wanted to... but of course by that point, I knew I could do JUST ONE MORE. So I did. Yay!

Did: 7.6 mi mountain bike
Was just not feeling it this morning, and was very tentative on a lot of the technical parts that I usually have no problem with. It was nice out and I wish I'd been more "with it".

Did: 1 mi running after D on his bike + 60 min power flow yoga
Chased D on his bike through the neighborhood for about a mile, then I went to Power Flow 60 in the afternoon. It was a great class - really like this teacher & time.

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