Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sickness in the house

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt class
On my last day of my unlimited 1-month pass at Soul Yoga I decided to do one of the sculpt classes, which have always intimidated me. Spoiler alert: I was right to be intimidated! First of all, this was NOT a yoga class. Like, not even close. It's a plyo/strength class with loud music, weights, squats (so many squats), resistance bands, and a few yoga poses thrown in. It was HARD. I'm glad I did it but I'm not sure I'd make a regular habit of it. I like strength training at my own pace and I prefer to not incorporate cardio into it... I do enough cardio on my own. But yeah, I was a puddle by the end because oh yeah it's still held in a 95F studio.

Did: 6.73 mi @ 8:28/mi avg
Dodged the rain (kind of) to do some track work this morning. My plan was to do a 3k indicator run to help with my 5k training plan, then do a few shorter intervals with whatever time I had left. Seven and a half laps... that was 3000 m. We ran from the cars to the track, and then I set off, counting off half-laps. I had a little mental roadbump when I got to 3.5 laps done and realized I wasn't halfway yet... but magically after that, the rest of it flew by and I didn't struggle through 6... 6.5...7....7.5 as much as I anticipated, which tells me I wasn't pushing hard enough.
My Garmin says I ran a 7:02 pace, but ran a little over 3100 m (I was running in Lane 3 the whole time so it should have been accurately 3000m).  Based on my time assuming the distance was correct, it was more like a 7:17/mi pace which is what it felt like. Either way, I think I'll use my 22:14 5k time from Greenville News to judge my pacing for future work.
We got rained on.
Did: nada
Stayed home with a sick little one today, so did not get in any workout.

Did: 40 min stationary bike
Was about to scrap this workout but decided to go for it and I'm glad I did. It wasn't much but it was something.

Did: 4.90 mi @ 8:05/mi avg
Wow, what a run!! Sunshine, perfectly chilly temperatures, feeling very "in the zone" all made for a great lunchtime run at work today. Maybe it's this TED Talk that my runner mama friend shared that just added a bit of clarity to things today.

Did: 8.45 mi @ 9:39/mi avg
Today there was a special event at a county park less than a mile from my house where they were hosting a 5k "drop-in" trial run of some trails at the park. They're not new, but I guess they've done some work on them and are trying to get more folks out there since it's a pretty under-utilized park. It's primarily an equestrian park (there are stables and show rings for jumping, etc) but there's a nice set of a few miles worth of trails through the woods nearby. I'd been on them on a bike once or twice many years ago but hadn't explored them since then. I took this opportunity to try out a couple of loops and ended up meeting a bunch of runner friends just by chance. It was a fun loop and I didn't even realize I'd run over 8 miles by the time I got home! I'll look forward to using these trails more often.

I also realized this was the first time I'd been on trails (other than the cross-country course at work) since my 50k, and I quite enjoyed the freedom of running through the woods, even briefly. :)

Did: 6.1 mi @ 8:51/mi avg + 60 min yoga
A few of the runners I happened to see on Saturday invited me to their group run on Sunday morning. I took the opportunity to bring D out in the stroller and run 6 miles with them on the Swamp Rabbit trail. I realized how much I missed stroller running, too! It's been a year since my stroller marathon training and I love the feeling of clicking off miles on the trail with my buddy. Was also nice to run with friends I haven't seen in a while.

Afterwards, I met up with Scott at Red's (a local craft beer & wine taproom) for Sunday afternoon yoga. It was a nice easy class, lots of relaxation/breathing.

What could have been a disaster of a week turned out to be not so bad on the exercise front... magically I stayed healthy despite the flu in the household, and only had one rest day which is as it should be anyway. Got in 4 days of running (total of just over 26 miles for the week!) which hasn't happened in a good while and feel awesome because of it. Let's keep this going...

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