Monday, February 17, 2020

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Did: 20 min strength + 1.28 mi run
Did some lifting in the afternoon but decided I really wanted to go outside and run, so I did. Just a quick one because of a meeting, but it was good to get some fresh air in the last day of non-rain for the week. So tired of rain.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill @ 8:46/mi
2 mile warm-up + 3 mile progression, followed by cooldown. Was not feeling it this morning and I think I'm getting sick.
Definitely a progression. 
Did: 4.22 mi @ 8:25/mi
Took the break in the rain to get outside and run. Just a quick dash through campus, but stayed away from the dirt trails due to MUD. I'm still not feeling 100% but it's all drainage/throat stuff so it isn't affecting breathing or anything. Plus I slept 9 hours last night. 🎉

Did: core + 40 min stationary bike
Started out with a core routine posted by my trainer friend on her Instagram. Then did 40 mins of intervals on the stationary bike. Worked up a good sweat (as always) and kind of wish I'd brought my bike since it decided to stop raining earlier than planned. Oh well.

Did: rest (planned)
Rest day!

Did: rest (unplanned)
A little too much fun Friday night made for a totally useless day Saturday.

Did: 6.97 mi @ 9:30/mi
Ran a piece of the Green Valley route at a casual pace. Intended to go to yoga this afternoon but a sick child caused those plans to be cancelled.

Well the first part of the week looked promising then everything fell off the rails.

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