Monday, December 31, 2018

Year End 2018 Post

Summary Stats:

Total miles run = 892.7 mi  (vs. 1,321 last year, hellooooo marathon)
Total miles biked = 1,080 mi (vs. 737 last year, helloooooo not marathon haha)

331 hours doing some kind of physical activity (vs. 339 hours last year).

Interesting that I spent about the same amount of time, but drastically different activity balance.

I didn't achieve any PRs this year, but I also didn't have any goals to do so. This year was a "do whatever" year, and I'm happy that despite that attitude, I still did some great stuff. I had fun this year. I spent a lot more time on my mountain bike. I did things because I enjoy them, not because I "had to".

I had my first major injury this year, but recovered and stayed as consistent as I could.

Interesting how this year compares to last year at this time.


Greenville News 5k Training (5/8)

It's Friday and I'm just catching up on the blog from last week... uhhhh yep. Holidays are busy!

Monday - Xmas Eve
Did: 12.5 mi mountain bike ride + 1.08 mi run
Rode the Annual Xmas Eve mountain bike ride at Isaqueena with a great group of friends. It was a lot of fun, but a HUGE group of people so not exactly a fast and challenging ride. Still great to get out in the woods with friends.
Did my mile in the neighborhood after I got home.

Tuesday - Xmas Day
Did: 10.08 mi @ 8:56/mi
This was my Christmas gift to myself - a lovely 10-mile run at sunrise! It was beautifully chilly and quiet out on the trail, and felt so nice to do this long run.

Did: 13.2 mi mountain bike ride + 1.11 mi @ 8:51/mi
Scott and I had our rare day to bike together, so we headed to our favorite - Dupont! It was a beautiful day, though there was still a good bit of snow on the ground. Followed up with a trip to Oskar Blues, of course.

Did: 2.18 mi @ 8:45/mi
Had to get this done before we left town, so enjoyed a short run in the early morning through the neighborhood.

Did: 1.15 mi 
Had planned to do this on my own right before dinner, but D wanted to join me and look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood, so we rigged up the lights on the stroller and headed out. Love that he enjoys running with me! :)

Did: 10.17 mi @ 9:11/mi avg
Stroller run with D around Furman and the Swamp Rabbit trail. This got tough around mile 8-9, but felt good to get double digit stroller miles. Finished with another loop around the lake following D (walk/jog) on his bicycle. Great day in the sunshine!

Later in the day, my left lower calf/upper achilles was aching pretty good, so I rolled it out with my golf ball stick and it feels better.

Did: 1.06 mi run + 20 mi bike ride
Did my mile run then hopped on the bikes to head down the trail for a nice spin.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Greenville News 5k Training (4/8)

Week beginning thoughts: Last work week of the year. Wait, WHAT?!

Did: 1 mi @ 8:11/mi + strength
Treadmill mile then a short 20-minute lift with core work included. Had to be speedy today due to meetings and such. Looking forward to running long in the cold tomorrow.

Did: 6.42 mi @ 8:18/mi avg
Early downtown group did a new-to-me route called "Waccamaw" (name of one of the streets on the route). It was a nice hilly residential route but the multiple turns and not knowing where I was made the miles tick by. Perfect temps this morning (upper 30s to start) and just a great way to start the day (I know I say that every time I run in the morning, but it really is true).

Did: 1 mi treadmill + 7 mi stationary bike
I'd meant to get up and ride the trainer this morning but either my alarm didn't go off or I slept through it... either way, it was nice to get extra sleep. I went to the gym during lunch, ran my 1 mile on the treadmill then finished off with 30 mins on the stationary bike doing intervals.

Did: 5.16 mi w/ 6x stairs
Got together with the early downtown group this morning for a stair-climbing workout called the "Helltower" route. Basically we ran from one parking garage to another and ran up the stairs to the top & down through the garage. Did a total of 5 different garages (Bowater, Spring, Hyatt, Richardson, River), but did 2x Richardson. This was a good/different type of workout and felt great! I'm sure the glutes will be sore tomorrow...

Did: 1.0 mi treadmill
Was planning on a bit longer run but got called back to my desk for an "urgent" request so I sprinted the rest of my mile and hustled back.

Did: 5.86 mi stroller run
Got a later start than I'd wanted, but did a pretty nice neighborhood loop w/ D in the stroller. It wasn't fast but it was something.

Did: 1.52 mi @ 8:36/mi neighborhood run
I forget why I did this so late, but it was another "just get it done" run.

Week ending thoughts: Well, it's Friday of next week already so I don't even remember. At this point it was time for Christmas holidays!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Greenville News 5k Training (3/8)

Week beginning thoughts: Traveling ALL week (first half for work, last half for family visits/vacation). This will be a challenge.

Did: 1 mi treadmill
Arrived in Pittsburgh for a conference (I'm attending AND speaking !!!), hopped onto the treadmill for a quick mile before meeting a friend for dinner. Also, got my first hot shower since ummmm Saturday morning? Yeah, our power's been out at home. Fun times.

Did: 6.2 mi @ 9:08/mi treadmill
Got up at like 4-something to do this on the treadmill before the conference started. I've been a ball of nerves and didn't sleep worth anything. I'll be so thankful when this talk is over!!
Did: 1 mi treadmill
Could have done more but opted for extra sleep instead. I got up AFTER 6AM today. Amazing. Talk went pretty well yesterday (whew!), traveling home this evening.

Did: 1.58 mi @ 8:59/mi
Quick run before starting the day, just a loop through the neighborhood.

Did: 4.05 mi @ 9:08/mi
Out-and-back run in Florida

Did: 3.28 mi @ 9:21/mi
Scott and I went out for a quick run before breakfast... I felt sluggish and my calf/shin was tight on my left leg. 

Did: 5.46 mi @ 8:53/mi
Felt much better on this run! Though was a little full from breakfast... anyway, we did a longer loop through the flat, straight Florida roads...
Square run. No detectable elevation. 

Week-ending thoughts:
I want to run lonnngggggggg. I miss double-digits. I hope the weather cooperates this weekend.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Greenville News 5k Training (Week 2 of 8)

Week beginning thoughts: Hello, Monday, my old friend... (oh and yes, I DID complete my stroller-xmas-light run last night).
I rigged up a headlight & red handlebar light on the stroller, plus had my light vest on. 
Super safety team, assemble!

Did: strength + 1 mile
Good lifting today, 4 rounds of each exercise. Did my PT, too! (Side note: abs/sides sore on Tuesday - woohoo!) Finished up with 1 quick mile on the treadmill @ 7:35/mi.

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill ladder #10kTuesday
Sadly the early downtown group didn't get off the ground this morning, so I headed into the gym at work early and got a treadmill speedwork done.
1 WU
400/400/800/1200 then back down @ 6:30/6:45/7:00/7:30 paces
1 CD
Felt good to get it done early, as usual, and happy with the speedwork. Thinking of seeing what I can do in preparation for a good 5k at the Greenville News Run Downtown in January.

Mid-week training decision...
Yep, decided I'm going to "train for" the 5k in January. Of course, I'm already "behind" the plan but not really since I've got a pretty strong base of training. I'm going to modify Hal Higdon's Intermediate 5k plan to basically continue doing what I'm doing, but with some more structured speedwork and intentionally-paced runs.
Basic structure:
Monday - strength
Tuesday - #10kTuesday (any pace)
Wednesday - cross-train
Thursday - speedwork (per plan)
Friday - yoga/rest
Saturday & Sunday - one day "long" run / other day probably bike + maybe fast (aka tempo) shorter run

Did: 20 min bike trainer + 1 mi treadmill
Well this morning was a little less organized than planned, but I'm proud to say I still got done pretty much what I wanted/needed to. My alarm was set (or so I thought) for ~4:30am so I could get up, get a bike ride done, then get myself situated before getting D up. Instead, my alarm went off at 5:15am (normal time) so the morning went like:
Wake up confused > dress & bike ride 20 min > change to running shorts > get D up, fed, to school > drive to work > run treadmill > shower > at desk before 8:30am. WHEW.

Did: 4.77 mi @ 8:39/mi avg
Since I did speedwork on Tuesday, I opted to get outside and "just run" at lunch today. It was gorgeously chilly and sunny!
Aww yeah.
Did: 8.6 mi @ 8:46/mi avg
When your weekend forecast looks like this...
... you do your long run on Friday morning before work. Yasssssssssss. 🙌 I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but last night saw a post from one of the gals from the early downtown group post up an 8-mile run for this morning, so I jumped on it. Felt so good to start off the day like that! And feels good going into the crappy weekend knowing that I've gotten this done already. Still hope to get out a little this weekend (at least a mile each day!) but I won't worry that I haven't gotten in enough distance.

Did: 1.03 mi @ 8:34/mi
Just a quick mile around the neighborhood before the hard rain started.

Did: 3.04 mi @ 10:14/mi 
Snow run! This had to be done slowly and carefully so as not to fall in the slush. I went exploring to see which roads were open/passable by car - lots of trees and powerlines down!
Snow run!

It was like running through unpacked dry sand = hard!

Week ending thoughts: Well, not quite the extensive workouts I'd hoped for this week, but still not too bad considering all of the interruptions. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Welcome, December!

Week beginning thoughts: I might have found A Thing to motivate me into next year. Details to come eventually. 😀

Did: strength + 1 mi treadmill run
Good lift today, totally forgot to do core PT (oops), my earbuds were doing weird things so I had to listen to the gym music (eugh), but thankfully it was pretty quiet in there so I wasn't bothering anybody else. Did 3 rounds hard + 1 round lower weight/higher rep.
Finished with 1 mile on the treadmill for #RWRunStreak Day 5/41

Did: 6.27 mi @ 8:25/mi avg
#10kTuesday - 4th consecutive, #RWRunStreak Day 6/41
Met up with the early downtown crew for a COLD (probably coldest this year??) run - was 29F at the start! But man it felt great and I warmed up quickly, never even had cold fingers! We did a new-to-me route called "Right on Rice" - goes alllllll the way down Augusta Rd, weaves through a little hilly neighborhood section, then gets back on Augusta to return. Kind of a lollipop route. Was a good one! Had a funny incident where the guy out front's shadow went streaking across a yard, and it looked like a dog running out to the road, so I yelled out "DOG!" and of course freaked everyone out. But it was just his shadow. oops. Better safe than sorry??

Did: 1 mi treadmill + 15 mins stationary bike
With highs in the 40s and wind, I opted for an indoor workout. I also got a late start and didn't have much time to actually get in the workout I'd wanted to do, but I did something which is always better than nothing. Did my run streak mile (7/41) and then got on the stationary bike for a bit. Did some intervals for 15 mins and then had to leave to go home for the day.

Did: 4.26 mi @ 8:40/mi
First of all...
Ok so... am I mistaken, or isn't the actual temperature supposed to be between the low and the high for the day??
I planned for a mid-40s run, not a mid-30s run!!
Thankfully it warmed up quickly and felt amazing by the time I got out to run before lunch. Ended up with an unintentional progression run of a little more than 4 miles... and wow, same mile time for first 2 miles even though one was on pavement and the other I took a little trip through the cross-country trails!
Run Streak day 8/41 complete.

Did: 1.48 mi @ 10:16/mi
This got done after dinner Friday night, which means it almost didn't happen at all (but the streak must continue!). I think I've found my new favorite way to get in my daily mile - taking D out in the stroller to see the neighborhood Christmas lights! He enjoyed it and it made it less of a "ugh, just go run a mile" kind of workout. :)

Did: 7.02 mi @ 9:19/mi avg
This entire run was done while it was 50F and raining. And it was great!! Ok, maybe not that great, but it wasn't as terrible as you'd think such a run might be. I wandered my way through Green Valley for most of the run and was soaked through 4 layers of clothing by the end.
Definitely chilly, and had to warm up with a nice scotch by the fireplace when I got home.

Did: 22.8 mi road bike ride + neighborhood Xmas light stroller run
In stark contrast to yesterday's conditions (and even this morning's), this afternoon was absolutely beautiful! Upper 60s and bright sunshine, slight breeze, and very few clouds. Wow, what a difference!
Got out and pedaled through Dacusville/TR for a lovely road ride. Love the feeling of freedom on a bike!

I'm posting this before actually doing my run later today, but it'll happen... the streak goes on!

Week ending thoughts: This was a good week. I'm in a happy place.