Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Physical Therapy update

So, I finally had my first physical therapy appointment to address the diastasis recti or abdominal separation that I learned of back in December. Yes, it took this long to get an appointment.

I was skeptical of how much they'd actually help or know what to do... but man, I left feeling so impressed and excited to actually have some good, solid guidance on what I can do to help fix things! The therapist listened and asked lots of questions, and did several tests for specific strengths or weaknesses throughout the core muscles. She also carefully assessed my exercise routine (she even looked at my weight lifting log), and gave me pointers on things to avoid, things to modify, and things to do instead.

No-nos for now (😭):

  • deadlifts
  • squats > 50lbs
  • twists
  • crunches of any kind

Back on the "ok" list:

  • pull-ups (whee!)
  • planks (yesss)

Additional exercises:
  • transverse abdominis activation
  • single leg lifts
  • clamshells with resistance band

The best part: she told me she could tell I would "do my homework" and didn't need to see me 2x/wk for 8 weeks. I get to go just once every other week! Hooray, being a dependable and accountable athlete has its benefits for sure.

She did say that the condition may never fully resolve itself, but at least in 8 weeks we can tell what kind of "recovery" I can expect, and now I'm equipped to continue to make improvements and strengthen my core for good!

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