Sunday, February 25, 2018

Building consistency

Did: strength
This was a gooooood session. I decided to heck with taking it easy, I'll make changes and take instruction when I get it. The only thing I'm not doing right now is twists and pull-ups because I feel like those place extra strain on my abs. Otherwise, I'm just doing what I need to do.
I know this one was a good one because I had the jello arms & legs afterwards. Such a good feeling!
Workin' on that spring gun show. 
Did: 6.2 mi @ 8:06/mi avg, 4 x 1mi repeats
Treadmill today because of threat of rain (but it didn't actually rain, blerg). Turned #10kTuesday into some speedwork with 4x mile repeats at 7:30/mi on the treadmill. Did a 400 rest in between each repeat. I was tired after two, but pushed through and felt great, even kicked up the speed during the last 800 on the final repeat. Whew!

Did: 11.0 mi stationary bike @ 14.6 mph
With the prediction of rain, I resigned myself to the stationary bike at the gym. Turns out it would have been a gorgeous day to ride, just like every other day this week. ARGH. But got to listen to some tunes and sweat it out, so it's not all bad.
Did: 4.06 mi @ 8:14/mi
Did intend for this to be so fast, but eh, what ya gonna do?? Also, why is it HOT in February?! Ran out towards USC Upstate so got in a few hills and a good bit of unshaded direct sunlight. Whew. Good run though.

Did: 2.5 mi treadmill desk walking
Opted for walking instead of yoga at lunch today. Walked 2.5 miles in an hour, which is faster than I usually go on the treadmill desk. Was good to get that walk in, and then later went outside for a brief walk around campus in the sunshine. What ridiculous February weather!

Did: 18.3 mi ride w/ Megan + 2.65 mi group run
Did a hilly road ride with Megan this morning, and it was a beautiful day for a ride. Mostly overcast, but warm enough to wear just a short-sleeved jersey and shorts. So nice! Felt good on the hills, encountered lots of dogs (eek) but they were all nice... just very interested in bicycles. Great ride @ 12.7 mph avg.

In the afternoon, there was an event downtown for folks participating in the Ville-to-Ville Relay this coming April. It was supposed to be a 3-mile group run followed by "taps & tapas" and raffle drawings. The run was shorter than planned, and I was wayyy out in front of the pack of about 2 dozen runners. Ended up at an average 8:43/mi and it felt SO easy, even with the heat (almost 80F) this afternoon. The event was fun, though, and we won a free night stay at the Aloft hotel downtown! Woohoo, staycation!

Did: 10.03 mi @ 10:50/mi avg
Met up with Robin, Dale, Megan, and Aubrey at Furman this morning in hopes of getting in some miles before the rain moved in. We were lucky and did just that! Only got a little sprinkle which was no big deal. Went south on the SRT and turned around at Blue Ridge Drive. Got back and said bye to the crew, then did another 2.5 miles around Furman before heading home.
Loving the rain cover on the Bob stroller!
Week ending thoughts:
Almost 23 miles running for the week, 2x biking, 1x strength... feeling really good and strong.

I also finally got a call that a spot for PT opened up, so I'm going in on Tuesday for my first appointment to address my abdominal separation. They said they typically schedule out 2x per week for 6-8 weeks... and I honestly cannot think of what they will have me do in the office 2x per week that they couldn't tell me to do otherwise and then just check it in a couple of months. I realize that's not how they make money, but ain't nobody got time for 2x/wk for 6-8 weeks. I'll do my own homework, thanks, I just need some direction.

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