Sunday, February 18, 2018


Did: strength
FINALLY got back into the gym and did an actual strength session, though I took it easy because whatever I did to my back is still hurting. It really feels like I just slept on it weird but I can't really predict/figure out which movements make it hurt. Anyway, it was still a good session and felt good to get back in. My back actually feels a little better after I stretched it some.

Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:22/mi avg #10kTuesday 
Actually had to do a lunch run at work today - been ages since I've done that. Kind of nice though, and the weather (low 40s) was perfect. Just got out and ran, didn't think I'd do much today, maybe squeak in under an hour... and ended up under 52 minutes. Well then. Guess I needed to just run.

Did: 10.6 mi @ 12 mph bike ride
Lunch ride with Robin today! We got sprinkled on a little bit, and it definitely was not the low-60s temps that the forecast showed (was barely 50!) but still a nice ride and great chance to catch up with her. Yay, one ride down for the week!

Did: 4.64 mi @ 8:42/mi avg #speedworkThursday
Oof this was hard because:
outside speedwork (Not on a track)
end of the workday
WARM (70+)
And my paces showed it, too. The idea for today was 4x800 with 200 rest in between. These are approximate distances since I was running a quadrilateral loop at work, and it's around .65 miles one time around. I did as best I could, but ended up with slightly less than 800 and slightly more than 200. In my head, goal pace was 6:30-7:30/mi for each 800. This turned out to be HARD.

I guess technically I met my goal, but it was much harder than I feel like it should have been. I mean, I could barely hit my 10k race pace on an 800 (the third one). WOOF. I knew I'd kind of phoned it in on that 3rd one though. Oh well, another day of work done. Finished up with the Big 5, and despite being too warm for my liking for a run, it was really a gorgeous afternoon.
Did I mention it was windy?
Did: #yogaFriday
This was needed.
It's been that kind of day.
Did: 5.97mi @ 10:34/mi avg
Rainy run, slow run, stroller run, casual run. But a run with friends is the best run. (Especially with coffee and fooooood after!) :)
Love them!
Did: 5.04 mi @ 8:14/mi avg
I wanted some more miles for the week, and needed a good push, so I set out early for a hilly Green Valley loop and really pushed the pace. I didn't necessarily want to red-line the whole way, just hold what felt like a solid pace for the full run, push up the hills, and make it count. SO happy with this run, because I did exactly that. Felt like I was flying (physically and mentally) the whole time, but not because of the effort... just felt free. SUCH A GOOD RUN.
Early morning fog layer over the valley

Saw this dude in a tree. 
Post-run bliss. Ahhhh.
Then did: 10.8 mi @ 7.7 mph avg mountain bike ladies' ride
Ladies' Riiiiiiide! Love these. We rode at Pleasant Ridge today, had a group of 10 ladies, and just great fun. Felt strong on the bike, consistently in the top 30% of the group, and just generally had an awesome time. Did two loops, first one the full JFA loop and the second we took Sassy's Pass (which cuts just about a half mile) just for some variety.
Social ride = lots of stopping. But tons of fun!

New gloves for my birthday. PARTY TIME!

Post-ride cocktails and brunch? Oh yes, the ladies do it right.
This was a cocktail of espresso, Patron XO tequila, and lemon. SO good.

Week ending thoughts:
20+ miles running, 2x biking, strength training... THIS WAS AN AWESOME WEEK. I'm feeling so much better mentally and physically just having this week go the way it did. Please oh please let this momentum continue. I needed a week like this. 

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