Sunday, March 4, 2018

Another good week.

Did: strength
Another good session. Closing in on 100% bodyweight for squats... little over 90% there. WOOT.

Feeling GOOD.
I try not to post too many topless selfies, but I'm proud of the work I've done and want to document it, darn it!

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:52/mi avg w/ stroller
Had to do this one after work in TR with the little man after I picked him up. We didn't get started in time to do one half then join the Pint & Pie crew, but we finished the overall 10k in time to get a table with them... which was a good thing because Sidewall Pizza was PACKED. I'm getting ahead of myself...
Started off fine, decided we'd run to the far north end of the SRT then turn around and do whatever additional was needed to get the full 6.2 miles. Just after the turn-around, D goes "Mommy, I need go potty!"
Cue panic. We're nowhere near anything other than a gas station, so we go in and discover their only restroom is out of order. GREAT. There's nothing more heart-breaking than telling your potty-training toddler "Sorry, we don't have a potty..." essentially telling him he'll just have to poop in his pants. He was thankfully wearing a pull-up, but still, not pleasant. And then, after the run, having to clean him up and change him in a restaurant bathroom. Gah, what chaos. But we did it, and enjoyed delicious pizza, even though we stayed out wayyyy past bedtime.
Pizza + Running = perfect date night
I also had my first physical therapy appointment earlier today, which went much better than expected!

Did: 11.0 mi stationary bike
Blah, rain today. So indoor bike again! Did the "intervals" program and pushed  hard on the last 30s of each 2-min high-resistance interval. It was fine. Also, my hip flexors are sore, so I guess PT yesterday really worked something!

Did: 4.65 mi @ 8:07/mi avg #speedworkThursday
Treadmilled it today for the 3x3x400 workout that I did a few weeks ago.
3x400 10k pace
3x400 5k pace
3x400 1M pace
200 between each 400
400 between each set of 3

Yassss love this routine. The intervals are short enough that I it doesn't seem daunting, but the total distance is a nice amount and the gradual build to the hard push at the end is awesome.
Yep, those are intervals.
Also found a new training anthem... Imagine Dragons - 'Whatever it Takes'. The chorus just pumps me up and gives me that push to work hard!

Whatever it takes
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
Take me to the top, I'm ready for
Whatever it takes
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes

Did: #yogaFriday

Did: 5.32 mi trail run 
A fun and different Saturday activity - headed up to the Blue Ridge Parkway with Megan, Robin, & Dale to run on the Mountains-to-Sea trail. It's part of the first leg of the Ville-to-Ville Relay that we're all doing in April, and Robin (who's doing Leg #1) was eager to test out the terrain. It was a great opportunity/excuse to head up to Asheville for the day! We ran a simple out-and-back for a total of 4 miles together, then Megan & I did an extra 1-mile loop near the parking area. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time.
Dale comin' down the mountain

Robin high-steppin' down the trail

Mountains-to-Sea Trail
Plus, the beer at Catawba Brewing and Burial Brewing afterwards didn't hurt, either! ;)

Did: 24.2 mi road bike ride
I'd thought about getting in a solid hour ride before meeting up with Robin, Dale, and Megan, but my legs were more tired than I'd expected them to be after yesterday's trail efforts, so I opted for a short spin through Green Valley before heading to Furman to meet up. We rolled out towards Little Texas and conquered the roller coaster road that is Little Texas Rd. It was worth it for the beautiful sunshine and distant mountain views!
Megan wheeling past some beautiful bradford pear trees!

Dale & Robin coming into the turn 

After we got back to TR they headed back to campus via the Swamp Rabbit and I headed home on McElhaney / Old White Horse. A beautiful morning to ride!

Short on the running distance this week (16.2) due to trail running instead of long-running this weekend. But got 2x bike rides, strength, and yoga! Another good week.

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