Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 8/11

Week 8

Final peak weeeeeeek!!

Did: 30 min yoga
Started off the day with some yoga, which was very much needed. Have been feeling stiff and sore lately, and this helped a lot. Arms are also still sore from Saturday's weight session - whee!

Did: 6.82 mi @ 8:34/mi avg
Track 2's Day on 2/22/22! It was slightly misty/sprinkly rain but in the mid-50s so felt great. Got 8x400m done today, all between 1:31-1:38, and generally got faster as I got more of the repeats done. Great start to the day!

Did: 10.08 mi @ 8:42/mi avg
Wheeeee midday moderately long run! What a fantastic way to break up a long day of meetings, and thankfully had a break in the rain with warm temps and some sunshine. Got some faster miles done in the back half of the run which felt great.

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont run
Back on the mountain this morning... tough as always but always feels good to have that climb done.

Did: 1 mi walk
Not a lot of time today but got in a short walk before picking up D from school. Beautiful sunshine today!

Did: 19.7 mi @ 9:03/mi avg
Some long runs are invigorating and feel powerful... others are hard-fought battles with a few tears of frustration along the way. This was one of the latter kinds. I guess after having 2 really good peak weeks, it was bound to happen that I'd have a not-so-great 20-miler eventually. I'm proud of myself for finishing the run, because I was very tempted to cut it at the halfway point. I ran loops through downtown instead of the usual long out and back on the swamp rabbit trail, though the final 6 miles were on the SRT where I caught the leaders of the Greenville Half Marathon (a point-to-point race from TR to Greenville on the Swamp Rabbit) - man they were moving fast! 

Did: 10.02 mi @ 7:51/mi avg
Rain all day, but a plan to go to the children's museum downtown with the fam offered the opportunity to do a lovely point-to-point (net downhill!) run from the house to downtown on the swamp rabbit trail. I had to make a couple of pit stops between mile 2 and 3 (thank goodness for construction sites that don't lock their port-a-potties, I'm just sayin') but after that everything went well! Definitely slowed down towards the end once I got into downtown (I blame crowded sidewalks and stoplights 😏) but felt really strong overall. 

I did notice some soreness in my left achilles in the last couple of miles... worked on my calf with the massage gun when we got home, which seemed to help, but definitely going to keep an eye on that. 👀

52.24 miles for the week. WHEW. Feeling it. 

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