Saturday, March 19, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 11/11


Only thing on the plan this week is EZ 10k Tuesday, EZ 4 Wednesday, and EZ 2 Saturday. 

Did: 1.72 mi walk
A beautiful day for a walk around campus!

Did: 6.33 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
A little faster than I probably should have run... but I spent part of the time trying to catch up to the downtown group (I was late) and eventually settled into a slower pace once I'd figured out I wasn't going to catch up to them lol. It was a nice run in the early hours of the day through downtown solo!

Did: 2.7 mi @ 8:51/mi 
Short run in TR in the afternoon. 
ONE MORE RUN before the big day. 

Did: 1.1 mi walk
Just a stroll through the neighborhood with the family after dinner (enjoying those longer daylight hours!). 
Also, I've been having some heart palpitations over the past week... I've tried ditching the caffeine and alcohol, limiting sugar, getting sufficient sleep... nothing seems to correlate to things being better or worse. I had a lot of them Thursday evening/night, and I'm almost certain it's related to pre-race anxiety/stress. The less I think about them, the more they seem to subside... but at night, I lay there just focusing on my heartbeat and (of course) freaking out about it. I'm sure I'm just getting in my own head about it, but I've scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist (not til next month) just to be on the safe side. It's been persistent enough that I feel it warrants getting checked out. Trying not to let it get into my head around the race though... I'm well-trained, I'm healthy, I'm strong... I'm ready. The hard work is done, this is the victory lap. Time to go claim that finish line.

Did: 1 mi walk
Another neighborhood walk. Getting in that rest.

Did: 3.1 mi @ 9:06/mi 
Ran the Milliken Earth Run 5k at work today, and had to keep reminding myself to NOT RACE and just keep it nice and easy. Felt great though and was nice to get in those final pre-race miles.... NEXT TIME I RUN, IT'LL BE FROM THE STARTING LINE. 

RACE DAY. See recap post forthcoming.... 

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