Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 10/11

Ack, I can't believe how quickly this training cycle went... how is it 2 weeks til race day?! 😬
Taper week 2 of 3

Did: 1mi walk
Didn't have time for much at work, but got in a short walk. 

Did: 6.5 mi track Tuesday
Yasso 800s at the track because I couldn't think of anything else to do. Got 5x800 done plus a fast 400 to finish. Felt good and strong. The 800s were a good push but not hard, and I was consistently under target of 3:30 for each one.
800s were 3:19, 3:20, 3:20, 3:25, 3:23 
400 in 88s (man I am so much slower on those than I was last summer!)

Did: 6.02 mi @ 8:50/mi avg
Midday EZ run on the trail.

Did: 3.04 mi @ 10:21/mi 
Evening run at the Ville-to-Ville Social! Had D in the stroller for the first time in a longgggg time. Nice to run with a group of friends!

Did: 1.61 mi walk
Walked in the neighborhood while the sunshine was still out before winter returns for a few days.

Did: 60 min Power Vinyasa w/ Marsha
Attended an in-person class at Soul Yoga for the first time in a very long time... felt amazing and another perfect message from Marsha. 
"The idea of 'never quit' sounds great, but sometimes quitting is the right thing to do. You have to quit the things that don't serve you anymore. Quit putting yourself in situations that aren't right for you. Quitting The Thing is not the same as quitting on yourself."

Did: 9.98 mi @ 8:22/mi avg
Final long run (supposed to be double-digit but a locked gate shorted me a couple 100ths of a mile... oh well) is done. Did a mostly easy pace but with a little extra push for miles 6-9. Felt really good since I feel like I haven't gotten to run much this week! Really happy with the result and can't believe it's one week til race day. EEEEEEK.

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