Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 9/11

Taper tiiiiiiiime

Did: 20 min yoga
Needed a very light day today, so just did some yoga in the morning to stretch out the legs and back. Felt good.

Did: 6.3 mi 8:39/mi pace
Skipped the track to take it easy on the achilles today, but got 10k done around Furman. 

Did: 1.9 mi walk
Took a nice late afternoon walk in TR - enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps!

Did: 1.2 mi walk
Hadn't done anything all day (oops) and still resting the achilles, but got out for a late night walk because it was soooo nice outside. 

Did: 4.03 mi run @ 8:50/mi
Took an EZ test run after doing school drop-off, and felt pretty good. Looking forward to longer miles tomorrow.

Did: 13.12 mi @ 8:21/mi
Had 12 miles on the plan but added a bit more on to account for the missed runs earlier in the week. Achilles felt pretty good although I didn't love my new shoes... the soles of my feet hurt after a while, but perhaps it's just they're tired anyway. I'll keep giving them a try, but likely will wear the previous pair for race day.

Did: 5.01 mi @ 7:42/mi avg
Went out for some fast miles on the very north end of the SRT today, but mannnn the warmer temperatures were tough! After the first 3 miles I noticed I was doing a progression run with each mile slightly faster than the one before it, so I tried to make it last the entire 5 mile run... missed it by about a second at the end!
So close!

Still felt pretty happy with the run though. And the achilles seems fine! 🎉

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