Sunday, February 20, 2022

Tobacco Road Marathon Training - Week 7/11

Week 7

Did: 1 mi walk at lunch
Definitely needed to take it easy today, and enjoyed a short walk during lunch at work. Lovely sunshine!
And a rainbow in the fountains

Planned: track workout
Did: 7.28 mi @ 8:08/mi avg
Got to the track on time today for once! Did Yasso 800s x6 - the idea with these is you run an 800 in your goal marathon time (so, for me... goal is 3h30m marathon time, so I targeted 3:30 for each 800).
Was a few seconds fast on each one, but didn't feel like too much of a push! 
3:21, 3:25, 3:27, 3:24, 3:24, 3:26
Been a while since I've gotten more than 7 in a track morning, so I was really happy with this run!

Planned: EZ 6
Did: 6.04 mi @ 9:53/mi avg
Super easy pace today, and the legs definitely needed the recovery. Beautiful morning on the trail and views of Paris Mtn at the beginning & end of the run.

Planned: Altamont
Did: 1.33 mi walk at work
Wasn't able to join the morning crew for the Altamont run today since S is traveling (therefore could not leave D at home alone to go run). Decided to switch up the schedule for the remainder of the week a bit to accommodate that, so today became a day off from running.

Planned: off
Did: 5.01 mi @ 8:49/mi
D had the day off from school, so he spent the day with grandparents. I got out for a run midday and went through Green Valley for a nice loop. Not quite a replacement for the Altamont climb, but definitely some nice hills there!

Planned: 12 mi run
Did: 30 min weights
Well, supposed to have a solo morning to run but D ended up getting sick Friday afternoon, so I brought him home to spend the night instead of him staying with the grandparents. He was fine by morning, so we proceeded with our other plans for the day and I got in a nice strength session in the afternoon.

Planned: 6 mi run
Did: 12.34 mi @ 9:26/mi avg
Did my 12-miler today to make up for Saturday's missed run, and worked in a climb up Altamont too! Felt good, but definitely not fast. Looking forward to picking back up the speed next week.
Somebody needs to repaint the 'YOU MADE IT' line!

Don't get to climb this in the daylight very often... 

Week-ending thoughts:
This last step-back week was needed, as usual, and I'm excited and a little nervous to do my final "peak week" next week! Then it's TAPER TIMEEEEEE. 😵

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