Tuesday, August 31, 2021

12 weeks to 50k / 13 weeks to Beast

Did: 20 min bodyweight workout 
Had time to squeeze in one day of Ryan Fischer (Day 4 - eeek I'm so far behind) between work and dinner. It was tough especially trying to not make too much noise doing burpees and disturbing my downstairs neighbor in the hotel. It was good enough though. Also walked around town after dinner to get my 10k steps. Amazingly it stays light here until after 9pm!

Add one set to each round, and also repeat everything you did before:
10 burpees
25 shoulder taps
50 lateral lunges
100 sit-ups
150 air squats
(Kind of like 12 Days of Xmas style)

Did: 7.03 mi @ 8:33/mi moving avg
I ran back to the hotel from the plant in Castres after work today! My coworker was kind enough to take my computer bag home and I packed my running clothes with me, so I was able to leave as soon as we were done for the day. Dinner wasn't until late so I knew I had plenty of time, which was helpful. 

Leaving the plant

I didn't leave the plant until after 6pm, so rush hour was in full swing. The first few hundred yards of the run had a decent path beside the road. 

That quickly disappeared and I was on the shoulder of a not-quite-two-cars-wide road for the first half (~3.5 mi) of the run. The road went into the rural countryside and climbed a pretty stout hill about a mile in... but the views from the top were worth it!

Sunflower fields

Mountains in the distance

So pretty!

The farther I went, the calmer the traffic was which made it more and more enjoyable as I kept running. 

Eventually I crossed a road and turned onto the pedestrian/bike path to start the second half of the route. This was much less populated and of course no cars present, so I relaxed a bit.

After a few miles, my directions took me off the path, through what seemed like someone's back yard, and out into a residential area where I followed the road the rest of the way into the town center. Eventually I was familiar enough with where I was that I didn't need the directions! I got back to the hotel right at an hour after I'd started and was able to get ready for dinner with no issue. 

And I got to add a new #10kTuesday pin!

Did: 1.5 mi walk
Another long and busy day, just had time for a walk after dinner but it was nice and a good way to explore the town a little more. Got my 10k steps but just barely! 

Did: 3.13 mi @ 9:20/mi run
Took a little 5k run through Castres before dinner - it was surprisingly warm, took it slow - ran north towards a park but the sidewalk ran out before I got there so I just turned back and ran a loop through the town.

Did: 3.23 mi walk
Took a walk once we got to Toulouse for the evening, enjoyed a nice park and a beautiful bike path!

Did: 0.55 mi family walk, 10k+ steps
Didn't record all my walks through airports today but I easily got all 10k steps before landing. Recorded a family walk around the neighborhood after dinner for the daily Stravativity :)

Did: Ryan Fisher Day 5 & 6, 2 mi run
Got these workouts in before hitting the pool for the afternoon. Feels good to get back to a strength routine after a wonky week! Got in a short run, too, for the sake of knocking out steps quicker.

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