Tuesday, September 7, 2021

11 weeks to 50k / 12 weeks to Beast

Did: 2.2 mi run + 20 mins kettlebells/weights
Up early for my first time in the office in uhhh 3+ weeks? Felt great to get the workout done early. A little bit of everything today including Ryan Fisher Day 8

"10 Days of Christmas" style:
1 butt slap burpee
2 V-ups
3 squat jumps
4 starfish sit-ups
5 second handstand hold (I did handstand hops)
6 plyo lunges
7 tricep push-ups
8 mountain climbers
9 reverse sit-ups
10 lateral lunges

Did: 8.27 mi @ 8:18/mi avg Track Tuesday, RF Day 9
Back on the Track! Felt a little sluggish today and wasn't hitting paces I've hit before, but stuck with it and finished out the workout as planned:
2x 1mi (7:07, 7:12)
2x 800m (3:32, 3:33)
2x 400m (1:36, 1:24)

Completed Ryan Fisher Day 9 when I got home... my planking needs some work! I struggled with this one!
50x Russian Twists
Accumulate a 10-min plank hold
Every time you take a break: 15 pushups, 10 pistol squats
Total time to complete: 20:59

Did: RF Day 10 + 2.2 mi walk
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Chair Dips
30-27-24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Sit-ups
Start at the 10/20/30 reps and count down the reps of each. 
Total time: 14:52

Then went on a nighttime walk to get in the day's worth of steps. 

Did: 5.65 mi Altamont run + RF Day 11
Morning run up Altamont with the crew, tough as always but good to be back in that routine. 
Completed the RF Workout when I got home:
25x 5 air squats, 6 jumping lunges, 7 push-ups
16:04 total time

Did: 3.56 mi @ 9:42/mi avg
Hadn't planned to run but with the touch of coolness in the air I couldn't resist a few miles in the neighborhood!

Did: 5.75 mi @ 12:02/mi wog
Had some difficulty getting motivated, gave it an hour, tried road, trails, and just nothing was getting me going. Called it quits after an hour. 

Did: RF Day 12 & 13
Day 12: 250 up-downs
Day 13: 100 jumping jacks, 90 second plank, 80 glute bridges, 70 russian twists, 60 second wall sit, 50 sit-ups, 40 lateral lunges, 30 chair dips, 20 mtn climbers, 10 burpees... then back up.
Total time for both ~40 minutes

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