Monday, August 16, 2021

14 weeks to 50k / 15 weeks to Beast

Errrrm, yep. 14 and 15 weeks until the next biiiig events!

Did: 30 min kettlebell workout, >10k steps
Looked up some workouts online and did one. Felt good, I like it! The 26 lbs is pretty hefty but I think it'll be a good one to work with.

Did: 7.46 mi Track Tuesday, >10k steps
6x600 on the track today - 2:29, 2:33, 2:34, 2:32, 2:29, 2:32
And a spicy 400 at the end in 81 seconds. Whew! 

Did: 2.4 mi easy run + 10 mins monkey bars, >10k steps
Decided to do a little run through the park and stop at a few of the playground/bar stations. My palms are healing but man I need to do work on grip strength and endurance! 

Did: 5.67 mi Altamont run, >10k steps, 4.4 mi bike ride
Second week in a row getting back on the mountain. Much better this week but still a far cry from the times I was hitting back in the spring. Work to do!
In the evening we took our "party ride" to TR with friends, stopping for ice cream, beer, and pho along the way. Got back later than I'd wanted (nighttime ride!) but was a fun time. 

Did: 2.2 mi easy run + 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
I went out for a couple of easy miles in the neighborhood early this morning hoping to see some of the Perseid meteor shower, but wasn't successful due to all the city lights. 
Signed up and did a virtual live-stream Power Flow class for the first time in forever and it was fantastic! I have missed my yoga practice and man it was obvious I've been away from it for too long... it was tough!

Did: 10.77 mi trail run
Headed to Paris Mountain for some time on trails, and boyyyy it was a hot one! Good to be in the woods but whew, this totally wiped me out. Basically ran all the trails and hit the highlights - both lakes and the pretty cascades on the way down hiking-only Sulphur Springs. 

Did: 25 min kettlebells, continuing 10k+ step goal streak
Still feeling wiped out from yesterday, took a while to get motivated but finally got a short kettlebell workout done and walked to get my 10k steps. 

I'm going to start tracking my nutrition intake again... I think I'm underfueling and I suspect that (along with the heat, of course) is a culprit for my low energy this weekend. Gotta keep the gas tank full! 💪

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