Monday, August 23, 2021

13 weeks to 50k / 14 weeks to Beast

Starting the Ryan Fischer series over again this week... need to add that little bit of strength back in to each day to keep myself going for the Beast!
Also it is supposed to rain ALL WEEK LONG, plus I leave for France on Saturday afternoon (will be gone a week). YIKES.

Did: RF Day 1 + 3 mi EZ run
14:04 - fastest time yet!

Finished RF then went out for a few easy miles around the neighborhood. Man it's humid outside! Ugh.

Did: 8.07 mi Track Tuesday
Got out before Tropical Storm Fred arrived today, ended up being a great run! A little sluggish with speed but overall strong and solid run.
Got rained on.

Did: RF Days 2 & 3
I was running short on time but squeezed in some version of the next 2 days of Ryan Fischer. Don't think I broke any time or rep records but got it done. Internet was out at home, so I ended up going to work at my parents' apartment and took a walk through downtown to get in some steps in the afternoon.

Did: 5.67 mi Altamont run
Ran with the crew this morning, had to walk some of the climb - man I was struggling! It was SO hot and humid though. Ugh. 

Did: 3 mi walk/jog (mostly walk)
I was gonna do 2 RF workouts today but... my entire body from my waist up to my neck is sore. Shoulders, back, chest, lats, omg... everything hurts! I'll make up for it eventually but my goooooodness. 

Did: 10.17 mi @ 8:21/mi avg
Long run day and got it done early downtown. Really nice route though it has a good number of hills at the beginning... felt great to get moving early and get done before a crazy week of travel ahead.

Did: 1.7 mi walk
After ~30 hours of travel, arrived and settled in Castres, France! I'm here for work for the next week and took a walk to stretch my legs and orient myself in the little town. It's cute but I'll need to scout out some good running places for later in the week!

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