Monday, March 29, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 9/11

Did: RF Day 1 + 60 min Power Flow w/ Hyejin
Decided to start on a third cycle of the Ryan Fischer 4-week program. Because why not! Cut another minute and a half off of last round for this workout, got 15 mins flat for the 50 reps. 
Did Power Flow outside at lunchtime which was nice! She focused on more challenging holds and balances today which was a good change of pace. Managed a decent sugar cane along with a few others. 
Sugar Cane

Flying crow

Warrior III with steeple grip

Most people call this "Dancer" but we learned today it's actually "Standing Bow Pulling Pose" 

This is actually Dancer pose 😳

Floor Bow

Did: 6.22 mi @ 9:08/mi + RF Day 2
A stressful morning made this one an Altamont #10kTuesday. 
Some days you need a mountain to solve problems (or temporarily run from them).

Did: RF Day 3 + some arms weight training
Didn't have the time for a full class today, so did a little bit of arm strength on my own. It was enough to make them sore the next day so 🎉.

Did: 3.0 mi @ 8:57/mi avg + RF Day 4
Again short on time but needed to get a few miles in for the stress management. 

Did: RF Day 5
I'm writing this blog late so I don't actually remember what any of the RF workouts were. But I know I did them.

Did: 9.2 mi trail run + RF Day 6
Got to spend a morning on the trails and it was PERFECT omg. 😍 Started out just before sunrise so needed some headlamps to light the way. Trails were wet so hopping on rocks to get through the streams and puddles became a futile activity and splashing straight through them became child-like and joyful. Like, water up to my knees, didn't care, just wade through it. SO FUN. Reached the cliff side with the sprinkling water falling over it just as the sun peeked above the ridgeline in the distance. Just wow. 
These pics never do it justice... 

Storms from previous days made for great rushing water

Completed the RF workout when I got home. It was all abs, but not too terrible. 

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Candler
Good sculpt class on Sunday morning. Finished with something called tuck jump burpees which were TONS OF FUN as you might imagine. 😵

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