Monday, March 22, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 8/11

Did: RF Day 22 + 3.75 mi trail run
Started mid-morning with RF Day 22 workout - this was a tough one and my arms were jello by the end! Cut about 1.5 mins off of my time from the first round though, so that was an accomplishment. 
After lunch I went to Trailblazer park (where I usually do my Tuesday track workouts) and ran the cross-country trails there. I'd never been before, but they're pretty nice! A little over a mile per loop with a couple of punchy little hills thrown in.

Did: RF Day 23 + 6.26 mi @ 8:31/mi #10kTuesday
Rain rain rain ALL DAY. I'd been keeping an eye on the radar hoping for a break all morning (didn't happen). I got the RF workout done right after lunch and then had a few work meetings that prevented me from going out to run when it actually did stop raining for a bit. So I ended up going out in the pretty steady rain and 45F temps. 
Just suck it up and do it.

Absolutely soaked. 

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Alysia + RF Day 24
Did these workouts in immediate succession which was difficult, but thankfully not terrible. Felt good to do sculpt again since it's been a couple of weeks. 
When your mani matches your workout leggings tho 💚💅

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Marsha + RF Day 25
Great message with Marsha's class today. She talked about the need to stop looking for external factors to change in order to achieve peace... that true peace comes from looking within and finding it there.  "Running from your problems is a race you can't win. The only way out is through, and the only way through is in." 
Working on Flying Crow

Definitely better at regular Crow pose

AND THEN after that class, I did the RF workout and mannnn this one has to be the worst one. You start with 4 reps each of skater lunges, plank toe taps, sumo squats, and up downs. Then you add 2 reps to each on the next set. And so forth. For 15 minutes. Rest 2 minutes, then start with however many reps you finished with on the way up... and go down by 2s, seeing if you can do it faster than 15 mins. 
14:40 up / 13:36 down

Did: 7.16 mi @ 7:54/mi avg + RF Day 26
Original plan was to run Altamont early, but arrived at the parking lot and Matt said he was not feeling up for it, so we went for an "easy" run on the Swamp Rabbit instead. Sure, if you call sub-8 average pace a nice walk in the park! 😳 Still had the climb up from Poinsett Park around the bottom of Paris Mtn which was no easy task to start and end the run with. Perfect weather this morning, though!
RF workout once I got home and fueled up with some coffee... wasn't bad but the massive amount of chair dips definitely made the triceps and shoulders burrrnnnn.

Did: 5.3 mi hike
Had a lovely morning in the Green River Game Lands near Hendersonville! It was an ambitious hike but we had a great time and D did pretty well with the decently long distance. 
Out in nature! 😁

Some small cascades

Creekside hiking

A little tired when we reached the first ridgeline view

Found a cool "tree" that we carried for a few miles.

Creek crossings 

Trillium in bloom!

Log bridge crossing

Stair Step Falls

Cool bridges

Double-track hiking and clear blue sky above

Vineyard for lunch. So hungry!

Did: 8.23 mi @ 10:22/mi stroller run + RF Day 27
D and I got to run with John on his longest run ever 🎉 An out and back on the Swamp Rabbit with a stop at the Cafe for a snack was just right for the nice sunny but breezy morning. 
Finished the 4-week RF program at home!

25 mpw running + 5 mi hiking = 30 mpw on the legs. Pretty solid week!

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