Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 7/11

Starting off the week feeling sniffly and congested... hoping it won't derail things too much!

Did: part of RF Day 15
Attempted the RF workout for the day and got about halfway through before the head congestion made me too dizzy and lightheaded to continue. There was a little too much up/down movement combination (wall walks - which I attempted but then converted to pike pushups after about 5 reps, squats, situps). 

Did: 6.32 mi + RF Day 16 and the rest of Day 15
Skipped the early track workout due to lingering sinus headache but felt okay enough for a midday 10k run around the neighborhood. It was strange to run during daylight on a weekday but felt nice to get out in the sunshine warmth!
What's this warm, bright thing in the sky?

Felt good enough in the afternoon to finish up the rest of Day 15 and Day 16 of the RF program.

Did: RF Day 17
Still keeping workouts lowkey til I feel 100% better, but got Day 17 done - lots of planks and abs!
Plankity plank plank

Did: 5.66 mi Altamont run + RF Day 18
Decided to get up and out for the dawn run up Altamont, felt pretty good! Close to a PR today (Strava says it was, but... my manual lap timing says I was a few seconds shy) - 21:44 (PR is sitting right around 21:40 based on my own timing... Strava says differently).
Regardless, it was a good run and the sun was rising when we finished! Glad to get one more early run in before I have to miss for about a month (Scott is traveling for work the next 3 weeks, so no early runs for me). 
Pretty sunrise as I returned to the 'hood.

RF Day 18 wasn't too bad - good bit of core work but nothing terrible.

Did: RF Day 19
Took this one outside in the nice warm sun... and boy did it get warm! I managed 7 reps per 3 minute set for the first 4 then squeezed in 8 on the last one. Whew!

Did: 8.3 mi @ 8:19/mi avg
Ran with some fast people this morning and totally pooped out at the end. That's what I get for under-fueling the day before. Ah well, lesson learned, and definitely pushed myself... next time, properly fueled, I could proooobably have held onto the pace (which was sub-8:10, even some sub-8 miles) for the full 10-mi loop. Definitely one way to get faster is to run with people faster than you!
Still got my post-run coffee...

...and delicious breakfast!

Did: 2.46 mi biking at Gateway Park + RF Day 20
D and I met Scott at Gateway Park for a little family time at the pump track. D took us on many many loops around the 'big jumps' and enjoyed a nice morning together. 
In the evening I completed the Ryan Fischer workout which was 100 total clapping pushups, with a break for 20 jumping jacks at the top of every minute. I did them on my knees and it was definitely not graceful at all. Whew!

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