Monday, March 8, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 6/11

Did: RF Day 8 + Soul Sculpt w/ Kerilyn
Got the daily Ryan Fischer workout done a bit before sculpt class started - it was a short-ish workout today so not too bad. Then sculpt class was tough as always!

Did: 6.99 mi Track Tuesday + RF Day 9
Started off the morning with the Track Tuesday crew. I did 600s and 100s and felt pretty darn good & fast today, despite the 10 mph wind gusts. 
6x600: 2:22, 2:35, 2:30, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30 (Soooo I guess I went out too fast on the first one, wasn't quite recovered on the second one, and settled into a consistent pace for the rest!)
4x100: 20s, 20s, 18s, 20s
Again, pretty consistent once I found my pace!
Did Ryan Fischer when I got home and mannnn that was a tough one. I only had to rest from the 10-min plank hold 5x which I felt pretty good about, but pistol squats after a track workout were hard!

Did: RF Day 10 + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Not too bad on the Ryan Fischer workout today, although frustratingly I finished it in exactly the same time as I did the first round! 15:04
Good yoga sesh with Karina, felt strong and focused.

Did: 5.65 mi Altamont climb + RF Day 11
Not a PR climb today (21:40) but still pretty strong! Definitely felt like walking a couple of times on the way up, but told myself 1) it would be even harder to start again and 2) walking really doesn't make it suck any less overall. 
Completed Day 11's workout after I took D to school and I must say, jumping lunges are challenging after running up a big hill!

Did: RF Day 12 + Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Today's RF workout: 250 up-downs (like a burpee, minus the push-up and the jump). I managed to get them done in 14:10 which I felt pretty good about!
Then did Sculpt class which was a great workout and "extra cardio" today. Whew!
Harley helped me with my up-downs

Did: 9.65 mi trail run
Decided today was a great day for a solo run at Dupont, and I was 100% right! Got up and out at a decent time (but not crazy early) and enjoyed some chilly temps and sunshine that was absolutely perfection. I've had some drainage/coughing going on the past few days, which I could definitely feel while breathing the cold air, but I still felt pretty good through the almost 10 miles on the trails. Plus, I climbed to the highest point in Dupont!
Recent controlled burn

Stone Mtn Trail

Much less overgrown than the other time I've been here (mid-summer)

Still icy towards the top!

That view! 😍

Post-run choccy milk. 🙌

Did: RF Day 13
Had a mostly lazy Sunday but got the RF workout done for the day. Time was about 4 minutes faster than the first round, so a solid improvement on that front!
Did a good bit of yardwork, too, which was nice being outside although I'm paying for it now because there's apparently lots of tree pollen in the air. 😣 Hoping it'll pass in a few days (the sneezing and congestion part... I know the pollen won't be going anywhere soon!). 

Lighter on the miles this week overall, but feeling good about the consistency and that I'm doing the right kinds of exercises to get me to that finish line in a few weeks!

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