Monday, April 5, 2021

Spartan Sprint Training - Week 10/11

Did: RF Day 8 + 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Jess
RF workout was pretty easy-peasy today (maybe the easiest of all 4 weeks?). Felt like I needed more strength training so signed up for Sculpt mid-morning.
Good class, lots of upper body! Glad to have that all done before lunch.

[whoops - forgot to blog for a couple of weeks.... let's catch up!]

Did: 8.56 mi Stroller run + RF Day 9
Got the RF workout done before heading to run in the afternoon. 
Took D in the stroller to the Trailside Trotters run club in the evening. Had extra time so we ran a little more than 5 miles before meeting the group for the 5k. Felt great to get in a solid run in the beautiful evening!

Did: RF Day 10 + Power Flow w/ Karina
I don't remember anything about this except this photo shows that I totally killed my previous record for the workout.

Did: 5.6 mi Altamont run + RF Day 11
Got to climb Altamont in the daylight for a change! So pretty to see the views on the way up.

Did: 7.5 mi mountain bike ride
Day off from work for Good Friday, but D had school - that means it's parents-go-biking day! We rode at Lake Welchel after getting our second round of vaccines at work in the morning. It was COLD to start off (below freezing! in April!) but warmed up just fine after a while.

Did: 10.46 mi @ 7:54/mi avg (!!!) + 2.9 mi mountain biking
Started off with the early run crew and whewwww had a hard fast run! That one totally whooped me. I wasn't sure I'd be able to hang on to the pace but I made it! 
Later in the day we took a family trip and ride up at the new Richmond Hill Park near Asheville, then had a nice afternoon of brewery hopping. 
Super D shredding the gnar

Did: RF Day 12 & 13
Had to catch up on a couple of RF workouts, but putting 2 together made for a solid strength session on a Sunday morning.
Coach Super D helped motivate me

There were some planks involved.

Okay, that's one week caught up and back-dated! 🙃

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