Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving Week

 Not taking much time off from work, and Thursday starts the annual Runner's World Run Streak #rwrunstreak 

Did: 3.31 mi @ 8:47/mi avg + 15 min core/bodyweight exercises
Midday run in the neighborhood followed by 15 mins of core & bodyweight exercises at home. I guess I did enough pushups/burpees because I was sore on Tuesday.

Did: 6.7 mi @ 7:54/mi avg Track Tuesday
5x800 (3:18, 3:29, 3:30, 3:29, 3:26) on the track with the crew this morning. It was lovely and chilly! Not all that fast for the repeats, but most of them measured closer to 0.55 mi instead of 0.5, so the pace clocked 6:00-6:29/mi which makes me feel better. It certainly felt faster and harder than a 7:00/mi pace. 

Did: 55 min DIY sculpt 
I never got the Zoom link for the virtual class I signed up for (first time that's ever happened!) so I decided to just make up my own routine and cranked up my music. It actually went pretty quickly to fill an hour, which was surprising considering I usually get bored about 30 minutes into any strength routine. It was a little haphazard but turned out OK. 

Run Streak Day 1
Did: 17.5 mi road ride + 3.11 mi run @ 9:07/mi avg
Started off the morning with a road ride with Scott after the early morning rain moved out. It's been a while since I was on my road bike but ended up being a nice ride!
Right after we got back I headed out for a quick 5k in the neighborhood. It reminded me of triathlon days and the legs didn't want to move at first. Got into a good stride after a while and finished out the miles with no problem.
Not the Turkey Trot I'm used to.

Run Streak Day 2
Did: 60 min power flow w/ Jessica + 2.34 mi @ 9:12/mi 
Lots of crow during today's yoga but felt good and strong! Followed in the afternoon with a short run in the neighborhood for the run streak.

Run Streak Day 3
Did: 13.14 mi @ 9:37/mi avg
Some days you just wake up and decide "I think I'll run a half marathon today." And so I did. It was a casual out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit Trail, but felt good to do some long steady miles. 

Pretty colors on the trees still. :)

Run Streak Day 4
Did: 13.6 mi mountain bike ride + 1 mi run
Bike ride with family and a good friend today. Started off a little sluggish but got into the groove after a few miles and enjoyed the ride. Ran a quick mile loop in the neighborhood when we got home just to get the streak mile done. Legs are pretty toasted!

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