Monday, November 23, 2020

Another strong week

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jasmine
Nice class on the sunny but cool screened porch. Not too taxing today, just stretchy goodness.

Did: 7.49 mi Track Tuesday + half of Power Flow w/ Jasmine
Started off the morning with chilly Track Tuesday w/ Matt. Felt pretty good and strong today, and got in more distance than past weeks, so that's always a good sign.
1600 - 7:23
400 - 1:35
1600 - 7:14
400 - 1:34
800 (moderate effort) - 3:37

Signed up for Power Flow class and did half of it before I decided I was tired and would only half-ass it if I continued, so I stopped midway through class. Did not regret this decision. 

Did: 3.15 mi run + 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
After deciding to sign up for something crazy I figured I would need to combine running + strength training more often. So I headed out for a quick 3 miles before sculpt class. Brionna's class did not disappoint! Tough stuff, tons of arms and back, great workout.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Melissa
Sculpt class two days in a row - whew! This was an insane day of meetings and I could have easily said "I don't have time for this" but made it happen anyway and of course felt much better because of it. And let's be honest, I wouldn't have accomplished much in that hour if I'd taken it to do something else. 

This was my insanity

Did: 4.37 mi @ 8:47/mi + 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
Got a few miles in around the neighborhood just in time before yoga started. Yoga was good, I felt a little sloppy/lazy which I attributed to having just gone for a run and needing lunch (reasonable). Still got a few good side crows in, though!

Did: 8.1 mi trail run
Decided on Paris Mountain as my trail run location for this morning. It was super nice, even a bit on the warm side, but felt good to be running trails once again. I even made it all the way up Sulphur Springs without any walking breaks!

North Lake was like a mirror - so calm

Remnants of storm Zeta

Did: 3.9 mi hike
Hike with D & some friends (and their pups!). Super nice day out, not a difficult hike but pretty view at the end. 

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