Sunday, November 15, 2020

Solid week

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
I almost bailed on this one because I've got a sniffly 5-year-old home with me today and I was just not focused AT ALL, but I stuck with my plan and got it done. It was a warm sunny day for class out on the back porch, but turned out pretty nice. Felt good and strong today. 

Did: 6.37 mi #10kTuesday in 2 parts
Met up with Matt to run early, but skipped the track since he's just recovering from a 50k this past Saturday. We did an easy (8:19/mi avg) 5-ish miles up and back on the Swamp Rabbit in the humid (wtf November) darkness. Finished with a mile back in the 'hood to get my 10k done. 

Did: 2.94 mi @ 8:40/mi + Soul Sculpt w/ Melissa
Got out for a few quick miles in the neighborhood in a light rain. Followed up with Soul Sculpt which was a real butt-kicker (in a good way). Burpees, oh my!

Did: 4.92 mi @ 8:25/mi
Felt good to get out and push a loop through Green Valley. It's far too warm for mid-November, though, and I'm looking forward to the cooler temps that are supposed to be coming this weekend. 

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
I'm getting better at twisting half moon and I lifted one leg in crow pose ("Flying crow") although it did not last long and definitely did not look graceful. But still... finally back in the routine enough to see some progress in advanced poses! 

Did: 11.0 mi trail run 
A couple days ago I got the urge for a good long trail run, so that's just what I did with my Saturday morning! I headed to Dupont and spent a few hours running in the forest. It was just what I needed, although the trail I'd targeted as my "destination" turned out to be rather underwhelming. Oh well, it was something new and now I can say I've been there (and I don't have to go back lol). 

Maybe I was inspired by memories of Sky to Summit 25k that I ran a year ago (and was occurring this weekend)?

It was 35F in Dupont when I got up this morning - beautiful chill and had the trails mostly to myself for the first part of my run.

I was not aware that there was a creek crossing. 
Sometimes you just gotta get your feet wet.

Then there was the ankle-deep mud... 
Made it to the "destination" point... this was the nice view.
Underwhelmed! 😐

The underwhelming trail took me to an unmarked trail that was more interesting... had lots of large boulders visible through the trees which was pretty neat.
Something about those bald rock faces. 

Overall it was a great run and I really loved being back on the trails!

Did: 2.56 mi hike w/ D
Hiked up to Falls Creek Falls with D this morning, nice overcast to start and sunny by the end. This was a special hike because the last time I did it, I was 32 weeks pregnant with him, and now I got to bring him back. :) It's a hard, steep hike up to the falls, and then a steep technical return down the same trail. D did really well, and we enjoyed the beautiful falls!
Starting off

water crossing

big rocks to climb up
Excited to be getting close! (Falls in the background)

Yessss we made it! 

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