Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 2

Yep, not training for anything at this point. Just staying active while working from home full time and entertaining/educating a 4-year-old simultaneously. Yep.

Did: 2.62 mi @ 9:22/mi
Just a quick little jog through the neighborhood at the end of the day. Wasn't really motivated at the late hour of the afternoon, but wanted to do something.

Did: 6.21 mi @ 9:22/mi
Wow, consistent pace much? Apparently that is "neighborhood pace" for me. It was foggy outside and threatening rain but ended up being nice for a run. Glute/hammie still hurts but I took an easy pace/stride up hills.
Fog fog foggity fog
Did: 20 min trainer sprints + neighborhood ride with D
I also did some random pushups and crunches in between working, but most effort was done in the 20 mins on the trainer while my mom video chatted storytime with D. #blesstechnology

Did: 5.17 mi @ 9:10/mi
Neighborhood run today through Green Valley. Again took it easy and walked up the hills but still managed a pretty good pace overall. Happy with that, and was nice to get out of the house.

(oops, I didn't keep up with this... it's now Wednesday of next week...)

Did: 60 min yoga
Woke up early for power flow with Soul Yoga. Harley wanted to join me for Savasana.

Did: 4.13 mi walk
I went out for a run in the afternoon but quickly realized my energy and motivation was super low. Opted for a walk instead.

Running = nope.

Did: rest
Based on yesterday's blahhh I took today as a complete rest day. Did some yard work but that was it.

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