Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 5

Seriously, we're on week 5 of this? Wow.

Did: Power Flow w/ Karina
Tornado warnings and storms last night = tired this morning, but got my butt kicked early with Karina before starting the day. Great class by the fire.

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:58/mi avg
Beautiful sunny and cool morning for a 10k through Green Valley. Glute/hammie felt fine today! Ran in a new pair of shoes and didn't love how they felt... I think they just need to be stretched out some because they felt tight even though they're the same size as all my others.

Did: 2.85 mi following D on his bike + Power Flow w/ Karina
Started out with a mid-morning neighborhood jog/walk/run while D rode his bike. We went out to the horse park near the house, looped through the gravel driveway/road, then back to the house. He did so well even if it was a bit of a slowish run.
Then did lunchtime power flow yoga with Karina. It was the same routine as Monday morning and still tough (my obliques and triceps are still sore from Monday!).

Did: 4.14 mi @ 8:08/mi + Power Flow w/ Marsha
Got out for some miles in the neighborhood this morning and WOW the chilly temps sure got me moving! This run felt SO good, and I could tell I was moving pretty fast. Got home just in time for some power flow in front of the fireplace. Yesssireeeee.

Also, wow this week has gone so quickly!

Did: Soul Sculpt w/ Jen
Half-heartedly did sculpt class at noon today. It was alright but after being up with D for part of the night and generally being mentally exhausted from the week made it a struggle to get through. Still staying consistent with the 30-day challenge... 17 days down!

Did: Flow + Deep Stretch w/ Jasmine + 10.27 mi @ 9:17/mi avg
Started the morning with flow + deep stretch by the fire, which was a nice way to wake up. Then headed out for a mid-morning 10-miler, roughly similar route as last weekend except in the reverse direction. Changed up a few parts of it but mostly avoiding the Swamp Rabbit Trail as much as I could. I was surprised the parts I was on it, it wasn't all that busy.

Did: 17.9 mi road bike ride + Power Flow w/ Karina
Threats of rain all morning had basically made me give up the idea of getting out on the bike, but magically in the early afternoon everything cleared out and it was a beautiful sunny day. I got out for the same loop as last week, but was joined by neighbor John, and we pedaled up the hills and down the hills, plus some extra on the SRT for good measure. Glad we got to go!
Got home in time for power flow on the back porch and it was such a great workout. Excited to do it again Monday morning (she usually teaches the same flow sequence for all of her classes in a given week).

Week-ending thoughts:
23.5 miles run and 18 biked, plus 7 days of yoga. Not too shabby. Still weirdly feels like I'm "not doing much" but I guess I'm still getting things done.

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