Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus - Week 3

Still trying to find the right balance of motivation + time to get workouts in while working at home and parenting full time. My biggest struggle is knowing that I could still get up and do an early workout, but that's my prime focus time (i.e. before D wakes up) to get work done so I feel guilty using that time (the ONLY multi-hour block with no distraction) to exercise instead of work. I'm sure I'll find a balance eventually, it's just tough right now when I feel so far behind.

Did: 20 mins indoor routine
I didn't have much time for focused exercise, but I got in a warm-up on the trainer plus a core routine in the afternoon. Sometimes, good enough is good enough.

Did: 6.56 mi @ 8:48/mi avg
Yes this was a great run! Headed out mid-morning between conference calls (Scott was working at home) and got in a good 10k+ in the neighborhood. Felt good, even though hamstring/glute still hurts a bit, but I ran up all the hills. Yay!

Did: 20 min trainer + 1 hr Vinyasa
Got in a quick ride on the trainer mid-afternoon, then did an evening vinyasa class with Soul.

Did: 4.07 mi @ 8:56/mi avg + 1 hr Power Flow
Nice morning run, chilly and sunny but beautiful!
Also did 1hr Power Flow class... it was HARD but very good. I decided to sign up for their 30 Days of Yoga challenge (i.e. do 30 yoga classes in the 30 days of April). They have a bank of on-demand classes for when I can't make it to a live class, but I'm hoping to use it as motivation to keep up the practice.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt
Decided on strength training today so I signed up for and did the Soul Sculpt class at noon. There's some bodyweight strength exercises, some plyometrics, and some weight-based exercises. I only have 5- and 8-lb weights at home, but for these classes, that's sufficient! Tough class and I really hate plyometrics (like, I get plenty of cardio, thanks) but it was good and much more doable in a room that's not 95 degrees!

Did: 8.09 mi @ 9:25/mi avg
Got out just after sunrise for a lovely loop through the country roads. Not fast, and my left glute/hip was giving me some issues. I stopped at stretched it after a few miles and it felt a bit better.
After I got home, I enjoyed a Power Flow class.
Sunrise over Paris Mtn in the distance

Coffee + Flow
A good Saturday!

Did: 60 min power flow
Thought about getting out on the bike but was feeling the energy drain, so I stuck with just yoga in the late afternoon. Good session with lots of balance and core work. I did a crow pose, but could barely hold the half moon... lots to work on!

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